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Your Freedom Lies in What You Don't Know
and Can Know


“Americans have lived under the broken umbrella of an empire controlled by 1% dirty rich that cares not to protect the overwhelming majority. They live under the auspices of a 
regime that spends half of common people hard earned tax dollars on phony wars, illegal foreign occupations and excessive militarism at home. Tens of thousands are lucky to afford the bare necessities of life.”
Article here

The Whole System is Wrong for the Greatness of AnythingWhether it Be the Nation, Society or the Human Soul Itself

“The public doesn’t understand how regressive and toxic military culture is,” he went on. “The military’s inherent function is the abuse and degradation of other people. It is designed to be a vehicle of destruction. It’s fundamental to the system. Without that, it would collapse. You can’t convert the military into a humanitarian force even when you use the military in humanitarian ways, such as in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. The military trains soldiers to see other human beings, particularly brown and black human beings, as an imminent threat.”  Article here

Understanding that Political Parties are the Bread and Circus, Dog and Pony Shows for their Shared Globalist Cover

Global War Profiteers Have Taken Over the USA

How American Society will Look Under Globalization's Enforced Poverty

American Cities Turning into Ghettos

The Future Without YOU

“Accept that fact and move on to the solution.

That is their plan for you.

What is your plan for them?”











It’s Not Actually Healthcare

Perhaps the Cartoon Explains the Nonsensical Cost of Creating the Website not to be missed in relation to world military expenditures.

“While estimates that the overall cost for building the website had reached over $500 million prior to launch, the Office of Inspector General released a report finding that the total cost of the website had reached $1.7 billion” 

November 11, 2013

As the United States has run a website for President Barack Obama’s controversial healthcare law, many believe that the Affordable Care Act, widely known as Obamacare, “is not real healthcare coverage.”

“The biggest problem with Obamacare is that it is a benefit and enormously profitable for the insurance companies. But it’s not real healthcare coverage for the average person,” Sara Flounders, co-director of the International Action Center said on Saturday.

Flounders said the law has “many, many loopholes” that American citizens do not know.

Activists say senior citizens in the US are losing insurance and doctors under Obamacare.

Private insurance companies that cover patients with government funds under the Medicare Advantage program have quietly started to dump doctors and patients because of Obamacare budget cuts, according to an op-ed ,by investigative journalist Evan Gahr, appeared on

Federal payments to Medicare Advantage HMOs will decrease about eight percent in 2014, according to one prominent healthcare industry analyst.

According to the article, the ACA slashes Medicare Advantage funding by $156 billion in ten years.

Democrats argue that the reduction would not harm patients but Republicans believe it would have dire consequences.

Obamacare, Flounders said, “benefits the insurance companies, the medical industry, the pharmaceutical industry, and not the people who need it.”

The Obama administration continues to receive criticism over its site as technical glitches have made problems for those who want to register with the site.



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