[Corona Baloney]
Planet Party Way
Free State of Human
A Free State is What We All Need—
From Outer to Inner
All Life, Thrives or Dies in
the Environment it is Given
Think of Plants, Think of Animals as Well
![](http://pppway.net/UnhappyPlant.jpg) |
![](http://pppway.net/HappyPlant.jpg) |
Unhappy and
Diminished Plant |
Happy and
Thriving Plant |
![](http://pppway.net/UnhappyAnimal.jpg) |
![](http://pppway.net/HappyTiger.jpg) |
Unhappy and
Diminished Animal |
Happy and
Thriving Animal |
Our Outer
World Environment Shapes and Determines
How well We, Humans, are Able to Live
Our Full Human Potential
See, for
an Example,
Aaron Russo's Movie, "Trading
Full Human Potential can Exist in Slavery—
Therefore Slavery—in
Any Form—has
No Place in a Free State
See the Movie, "Free State of Jones"
Modern Day Form of Slavery
Same Controllers, Different Era
Debt and Wage Slavery
All Know About the Longevity of Home Loans
Now in the Globalist March Toward Total Human Enslavement,
Everyone in America is Closer to an Impoverished Future
In America's Financial Crisis of 2007
— 2008, there was a Charlatan Wall
Street Scheme
to Destroy America's Middle Classes, i.e. the American Dream,
Did. See the Movie, "The
Big Short" and
See How it Was Done
The Further Erosion of the Middle Classes
and the American
Dream of Home Ownership
Here is the Future
Wall Street Wants for You and
Student Loans are the Latest Example and Step Toward
Human Perpetual Debt Enslavement
Facing Fact: The Central
Banks and Wall Street Control Governments
— People Don't
— Everything
Seen and Perceived in Politics and in the Media by the American
Public is Simply
Theatrics by a
Bought Off and Paid for System that has
Allegiance Elsewhere
Equity Theft Tax
The American Founders Put Forth that Government
Need Only Exist by the Consent of the Governed
Did You Consent to This?
Another New Way to Get You into Rental
and Impoverished
Coming to Terms
It is Money and the Economy that Controls
and Shapes
Your Outer Environment
From This:
![](http://pppway.net/UnhappyPlant.jpg) |
![](http://pppway.net/UnhappyAnimal.jpg) |
Unhappy and
Diminished Plant |
Unhappy and
Diminished Animal |
or This:
![](http://pppway.net/HappyPlant.jpg) |
![](http://pppway.net/HappyTiger.jpg) |
Happy and
Thriving Plant |
Happy and
Thriving Animal |
Those who Control the
Money and the Economy Don't
Have your Best Interest in Mind
From Home Loans to Student Loans,
They Now Want Your Enslavement to Start Early
"Higher education has been financialized,
transformed from a public service into a lucrative cash
cow for private investors.
"The advantages of slavery by debt over
“chattel” slavery – ownership of humans as a property
right – were set out in an infamous document called the Hazard Circular,
reportedly circulated by British banking
interests among their American banking counterparts
during the American Civil War. It read in part:
Slavery is likely to be abolished by the war power and chattel
slavery destroyed. This, I and my
European friends are glad of, for slavery is but the
owning of labor and carries with it the care of the
laborers, while the European plan, led by England, is
that capital shall control labor by controlling wages.
Slaves had to be housed, fed and cared for. “Free” men
housed and fed themselves.
For the more
dangerous jobs, such as mining,
Irish immigrants were used rather than black slaves,
because the Irish were expendable. Free men could be
kept enslaved by debt, by
paying them
wages that were insufficient to meet their costs of
living. On how to control wages, the Hazard
Circular went on:
This can be done by controlling the money.
The great debt
that capitalists will see to it is made out of the war,
must be used as a means to control the volume of
money. . . . It
will not do to allow the greenback, as it is called, to
circulate as money any length of time, as we cannot
control that.
"The government, too, had to be enslaved by debt. It
could not be allowed to simply issue the money it needed
to meet its budget, as Lincoln’s government did with its
greenbacks (government-{of, by and for the people"}
issued US Notes). The greenback program was terminated
after the war, forcing the government to borrow from
banks – banks that created the money themselves, just as
the government had been doing...."
here |
It Never Was, or Is, About Black or White
— It Was
Always About the Financial Power
Both Enslaving and Impoverishing
the Rest of Us, i.e. the Whole Human Race |
The 13 American Colonies Knew That and Fought
with All They Had, Including God and Prayer
"If ye love wealth greater than liberty,
the tranquility of servitude better than the animating
contest for freedom, go home and leave us in peace. We
seek not your council nor your arms. Crouch down and
lick the hand that feeds you, and may posterity forget
that ye were our countrymen"
Samuel Adams
and Onward |
![](http://pppway.net/DeclarationIndependenceFull.jpg) |
American Declaration of Independence could Even be Seen
as a Human Declaration of Independence from the Tyranny
and Oppression of the Financial Power that Imposed
Itself On Them, and Their Well Being |
An Outer
and Inner Free State of Human
Once Lived in America
"There was abundance in the Colonies, and peace
was reigning on every border. It was difficult, and even
impossible, to find a happier and more prosperous nation on all
the surface of the globe. Comfort was prevailing in every home.
The people, in general, kept the highest moral standards, and
education was widely spread."
here with excerpts below.
The second paragraph of the
American Declaration of Independence of
1776 speaks to the free and natural state of the
“We hold these truths to be
self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are
endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that
among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness …..”
"When Benjamin Franklin went over to England to represent the
interests of the Colonies, he saw a completely different
situation: the working population of this country was gnawed by
hunger and poverty. "The streets are covered with beggars
and tramps," he wrote. He asked his English friends how England,
with all its wealth, could have so much poverty among its
working classes."
"His friends replied that England was a prey to a terrible
condition: it had too many workers! The rich said they were
already overburdened with taxes, and could not pay more to
relieve the needs and poverty of this mass of workers. Several
rich Englishmen of that time actually believed, along with
Malthus, that wars
and plague were necessary to rid the country from man-power
Discerning Cause No. 1 of the
Opposite to Free:
1. The
Anti-Human Malthusian Ideology of the the Godless
Central Bankers:
beings are "Things" in their Godless Statistical
Soul-less Schemes—and
are to be Disposed of through Wars, Famine, Plagues and
Other External Calamities They Devise in the Outer
They have
Devised the Outer Environment through Their Godless,
Soul-less, Materialistic Malthusian Ideology to Support
Them, and Only Them to Live in Exquisite Wealth at the
Expense of Everyone and Everything Else
— and
They Plan to Keep it That Way.
Luther King, Jr. , in his
Address given to the Riverside
Church in New York City in 1967, refers to
this Godless, anti-Human ideology which shapes the Outer
Environment where it become a "thing-oriented society
..... where machines and computers, profit motives and
property rights [of banks and mega businesses] are
considered more important than human beings themselves,
i.e. their livelihoods and individual natural rights to
live on the land] .... [and where] the giant triplets of
Racism, extreme Materialism, and Militarism are
incapable of being conquered" [because of it].
In the Outer Environment of the Anti-Human Malthusian
ideology of the Godless Central Bankers, with
Materialism (i.e., riches, wealth, luxury, power and
more over-riding power and control) being its object,
all Wars and conflicts are manufactured or devised,
Racism, bigotry, "hatred of the other" are ALL
artificially created for its Engine, and Militarism is
the means of all, by all, to all. |
![](http://pppway.net/God&Mammon.jpg) |
A System
that Serves God, is
a System that Serves and
Uplifts Humans to
All That That
They Can
![](http://pppway.net/13_StarAmericanFlag.jpg) |
System that Serves Mammon is a
System that Simply and Only Considers and Serves Money
at the Expense
of All Life
"Franklin's friends then asked him how the American Colonies
managed to collect enough money to support their poor houses,
and how they could overcome this plague of pauperism. Franklin
"We have no poor houses in the Colonies; and if we had some,
there would be nobody to put in them, since there is, in the
Colonies, not a single unemployed person, neither beggars nor
Thanks To Free Money Issued By The Nation, i.e.,
No Debt, Usury, Interest or Tax Attached to It
"His friends could not believe their ears, and even less
understand this fact, since when the English poor houses and
jails became too cluttered, England shipped these poor wretches
and down-and- outs, like cattle, and discharged on the quays of
the Colonies, those who had survived the poverty, dirtiness and
privations of the journey. At that time, England was throwing
into jail those who could not pay their debts. They therefore
asked Franklin how he could explain the remarkable prosperity of
the New England Colonies. Franklin replied:
"That is simple. In the Colonies, we issue our own paper money.
It is called 'Colonial Scrip.' We issue it in proper proportion
to make the goods pass easily from the producers to the
consumers. In this manner, creating ourselves our own paper
money, we control its purchasing power and we have no interest
to pay to no one."
Discerning Cause No. 2 of the Opposite to Free:
The Moral Basis of Money of the Colonies, vs. the
Immoral Basis of Money of the Central Bankers
Money, in its Proper Proportion, is Simply Used as a
Free-Flowing Energetic Medium for Exchange and Not
Inhibited of Its Availability through Manufactured
Recessions and Depressions.
Further, this Free Flowing Energetic Medium of Exchange
is Not to be Immorally, Criminally and Fraudulently
Turned into a Usurious (Interest Demanding) Object,
Thing or Commodity That also Incurs Taxation which
Includes Taxes on One's Income for Simply
Central Banker Wealth, Profit and
The Immoral Control and Issuance of Money Concentrated
to the Few also Allows for Fraudulent Schemes and Other
Schemes to take Place to Financially Enslave Human
beings through Their whole Life Cycle, Cancelling the
Natural God-Given Right of "Life, Liberty and
Happiness" of Human Existence Itself to its Full
![](http://pppway.net/MoneyStolen.jpg) |
![](http://pppway.net/lackofMoney.jpg) |
The Bankers Impose Poverty and All the Ills of Society through
the Usurious
Monetary System as it Shapes and Influences the Outer
"The information came to the knowledge of the English Bankers,
and held their attention. They immediately took the necessary
steps to have the British Parliament to pass a law that
prohibited the Colonies from using their scrip money, and then
ordered them to use only the gold and silver money that was
provided in sufficient quantity by the English bankers. Then
began in America the plague of debt-money, which has [ever]
since brought so many curses to the American people.
"The first law was passed in 1751, and then completed by a more
restrictive law in 1763. Franklin reported that one year after
the implementation of this prohibition on Colonial money, the
streets of the Colonies were filled with unemployment and
beggars, just like in England, because there was not enough
money to pay for the goods and work.
The circulating medium
of exchange had been reduced by half."
The Usurious Money System Imposed on the Nation by the Central
was Itself the Original and Real Cause of the American
"Franklin added that this was the original cause of the American
and not the tax on tea nor the Stamp Act, as it has been taught
again and again in history books. The financiers always manage
to have removed from school books all that can throw light on
their own [devious and evil] schemes, and damage the glow that
protects their power."
The One
and Only Important Lesson to Learn is How the 13 Colonies
Great Happiness and Life through Their Monetary System
Under the Central Banker System of Mammon—
It is the
Moral Basis or Immoral Basis of the Nation's Circulating Medium
of Exchange that
Will Determine the Existence of the Human being—Highly
Diminished, or, Progressive and Full
How the Words, "Life, Liberty and Happiness"
in the American Declaration of Independence
"Franklin, who was one of the chief architects of the
American independence, wrote it clearly:
"The Colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on
tea and other matters had it not been the poverty caused
by the bad influence of the English bankers on the
Parliament, which has caused in the Colonies hatred of
England and the Revolutionary War."
"This point of view of Franklin was confirmed by great
statesmen of his era: John Adams, Jefferson, and several
others. A remarkable English historian, John Twells,
wrote, speaking of the money of the Colonies, the
Colonial Scrip:
"It was
the monetary
system under which America's Colonies flourished to such an
extent that Edmund Burke was able to write about them: 'Nothing
in the history of the world resembles their progress. It was a
sound and beneficial system, and its effects led to the
happiness of the people.'"
John Twells adds:
"In a bad hour, the British Parliament took away from America
its representative money, forbade any further issue of bills of
credit, these bills ceasing to be legal tender, and ordered that
all taxes should be paid in coins.
Consider now the
consequences: this restriction of the medium of exchange
paralyzed all the industrial energies of the people. Ruin took
place in these once flourishing Colonies; most rigorous distress
visited every family and every business, discontent became
and reached a point, to use the words of Dr. Johnson,
when human nature rises up and asserts its rights."
"Another writer, Peter Cooper, expresses himself along the same
lines. After having said how Franklin had explained to the
London Parliament the cause of the prosperity of the Colonies,
he wrote:
"After Franklin gave explanations on the true cause of the
prosperity of the Colonies, the Parliament exacted laws
forbidding the use of this money in the payment of taxes. This
decision brought so many drawbacks and so much poverty to the
people that it was the main cause of the Revolution. The
suppression of the Colonial money was a much more important
reason for the general uprising than the Tea and Stamp Act."
The Private Foreign Cartel of the "Federal" Reserve in
Imposes the SAME Monetary System that Impoverished the
About, and Try and Understand what 500
As We Still Have This:
"Today, in America as
well as in Europe, we are under the regime of the Scrip of the
Bankers instead of the scrip of the nation. Hence the
public debts, everlasting interest charges, taxes that plunder
purchasing power, with the only result being a consolidation of
the financial dictatorship.
"There is only one cure for America's ultimate financial
collapse and that is for Congress to exercise Clause 30 of the
"Federal" Reserve Act, buy the outstanding shares of stock, shut
down this unconstitutional system and sell off their assets to
reimburse the people of this nation for this unspeakable theft
of their wealth [i.e. ability to live well and not simply to
survive]." (Article
America, and Its Citizens, Are Clearly Not Free:
How the Enslavement Continues:
Foreign Central Bankers have inserted themselves into the
printing and issuance of the nation's own money (all on the
nation's own printing presses), and then unscrupulously charge
The People interest for the use of that money.
Printing of millions and millions of the nation's dollars that
are printed in The People's own nation incurs, through the
unscrupulous scam, billions and billions of dollars of
"interest" or taxation to the Central bankers. These billions
and billions of dollars are collected by the private Central
Bankers' private collection arm of the "IRS"
and is totally unconstitutional:
The Sixteenth Amendment
of the U.S. Constitution was Never Ratified
16th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
was never ratified to collect Income Taxes from The
People, the bulk of which is used to enrich the controllers and
imposers of the Usurious System, the
Federal Reserve, and to Create
Endless Wars and other nefarious programs to inflict on the
Human Race [for
their Malthusian ideology].
Ron Paul has said,
"You have the natural, God-given right to keep
everything you earn. You also have the natural,
God-given right to decide what to do with your own
money. Your money belongs to you, not the government.
To achieve a genuinely free society, the income tax
needs to be cast into the dustbin of history, along with
the immoral and destructive welfare-warfare state
apparatuses that it funds."
here |
Usurious System creates poverty
and class inequality, and all the grievances in the
Declaration of Independence all
over again, creating a wretched life, and the loss of all Human
potential. To sum it up, there is not enough disposable income,
i.e. income that is left after all is "owed" to feed, clothe,
house and educate oneself. You are simply now working to
if that.
It is thus
the evil,
usurious, soulless, Godless and immoral
monetary system of the Central Bankers—"conceived
in inequity and born in sin," and against all
Religious principles—
that imposes War, poverty, hunger, mass starvation, class
divides, crime and corruption which shapes our Outer Environment
or world.
Through the malevolent, unnatural, immoral and artificial
environment-nation-world that the Central Bankers have created,
Human beings are either impoverished or turned into Debt and
Wage slaves and are NOT FREE to live their full, God-given Human
The Vision to Set Us All
Free and be Intelligent Caretakers of our Nations and our Planet
Because the the Bible tells us: "Without
vision The People perish" — Proverbs 29: 18 - 27
It's a Vision Thing
— Framework for the Great Freedom Reset
— And a Clean Break
"No Problem Can be Solved from the Same
of Consciousness that Created It"
Albert Einstein
"Katherine and I have
reported that the US Department of Defense
managed the development, production and
deployment of the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid
vaccines, as part of a coordinated
"whole-of-government" program involving Congress
(providing statutory authority and funding); US
presidents; DoD (including DARPA, DTRA and other
subdivisions), Department of Health and Human
Services-Public Health Service (including ASPR,
subdivisions); Department of Homeland Security
(including FEMA); Department of Treasury, and
most if not all other federal agencies; the
Federal Reserve; pharmaceutical drug and device
manufacturing companies incorporated into
federal government (by contracts and
Presidential proclamations under the Public
Health Service Act, Defense Production Act,
Stafford Act and National Emergencies Act);
international quasi-governmental and banking
organizations including the Bank for
International Settlements, United Nations-World
Health Organization; and non-governmental
organizations including the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation, Global Alliance for Vaccines
and Immunization (GAVI) and Coalition for
Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI)" --
See here |
We Cast Out the
Whole Demonic System—
And Return it to a HIGHER LEVEL of Consciousness
Just as the American Colonies were Living
"Let Us Raise a
Standard to which the Wise and Honest
Can Repair; the Rest is in the Hands of God" --
George Washington
The Wise and Honest H U M A N I T Y
No More Usurocracy!
And Move to the HELP ALL HARM NONE
Essence and Dynamic of the Human Race
In the Two Great Commandments of God
In His Name, We Move to the Third Force in our World—Above
the Dialectic of the Dark
and the Light, Time, the Devil, the Christ-Killers, the Karmic Cycle of our
World and All
Earthly Governments
Who Wants or Needs Their Cartels?
When in His Name, We
Cast out Demons and Heal the Sick—
which includes our SYSTEM-ABUSED
![](TheVisionThing.jpg) |
to Human Beings and the Natural Earth
(Downloadable Adjustable "Free State
of Human"
Image to the left)
An Egoist System of Leaders Does Not Cut it Anymore
It Never Did
Because We Always Suffered Through Wars and Tyranny
What Needs to
be Done for the Right Thriving Economic and Planetary Life
— Forever
The Peace Planet Party Platform
A Party of Principles Not Personalities (Politicians or
Just Administrators to Administer the Principles, and simply a
reality check by the rest of us through the "Good, True,
Beautiful, and Right" as an overarching Whole where each
is the other and brooks no contradiction: For example:
"If a thing is ugly, then there is no
beauty there. If there is no beauty in it, then
there is no truth in it. And if there is no truth
in it, there is no good in it—not
— Will Campbell (a condensed quote)
Our Starting Point: Getting Back to our Natural Coordinates
Simple and Freeing
Based on "Occam's Razor"
Getting to the Crux and Core
of What Needs To Be Done by Cutting Away of the
Extraneous Material
Principle 1:
Human Rights
Peace Planet Party Way
(pppway) starts on an already
given Foundation that all our Human Rights for everyone,
everywhere in all nations (to think, speak, move freely
to name a few, including our sovereign, autonomous
state, conscience and moral being) are directly sourced
from our Creator as clearly stated in the 1776 American
Declaration of Independence from tyrannical government:
“We hold these Truths to be
self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they
are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the
Pursuit of Happiness—That to secure these Rights,
Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their
just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that
whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of
these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to
abolish it, and to institute new Government,
laying its
Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers
in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to
effect their Safety and Happiness.”
In light of the above, with the natural and
moral bond we have
with our Creator,
as it exists with All Life through
our Natural concerns and conscience, all tyrannical laws, documents,
institutions, corporations and tyrants are forthwith null
and void.
Principle 2:
Help Not Harm
In the Consent of the Governed,
in moral law with our Creator
(where no politicians-middlemen nor government are
needed), we have our roots in a "Help Not Harm"
dynamic and ethic all across the Planet, where in our
unique Divine purposes and individuality all across the
globe, we are helping all and harming none, including
the Planet, her ecosystems, and Nature.
Given the above, all harmful corporations, industries
and technology are finished and no more as they damage
and harm
health, body, Nature and the environment.
Principle 3:
Serving God, Not Mammon (i.e. Money)
— Joy
The enslaving instrument of
has been attached to Mammon to steal our souls,
life essence, and fruits of our labor and create all the Wars,
hostility towards one another and conflicts in the world.
Money is simply to be a
circulating medium of exchange
and is in sufficient quantity and proper proportion to fuel creativity,
productivity, skills, fulfillment of needs, sharing of
knowledge, education, and infrastructure WITHOUT ANY
DEBT, INTEREST OR TAXES attached to it.
Liberty Bell Community Banks all across the Planet are to be
established for interest free loans, and for the
circulating medium of exchange to be produced in
sufficient quantity and in proper proportion to fulfill the needs of all people
and their desires to help each other and the Planet
thrive through their own unique Divine purposes and
In light of the above, all usurious loans, interest and
taxes that have instituted themselves in a human being's
life from cradle to grave are null and void. |
Principle 4:
Create for Holistic Possibilities
A Planetary
Harming None, Helping All
Liberty Bell Community Banks Funds for: |
i. |
startups for small businesses
and Mom and Pop stores;
ii |
creative endeavors for
uplifting ALL Human beings' needs to
self-sufficiency, physically, mentally, spiritually, which
includes the prison population;
iii |
turning slums, tent
cities and hardship villages anywhere and everywhere into
communities of Beauty, Truth, Caring and
Wisdom or "TLC" (Tender, Loving Care) villages;
How an
Indigenous People Mentors in their Community:
iv |
purchasing of property and creating
grants for property for small organic and biodynamic
honey bee hives,
reforestation, clean blue skies,
remineralisation of
soils and seas, hemp products and production for zero toxicity
and non-cruelty on the Planet, home ownership, and
building of houses;
v |
encouraging enterprise for the the
absolute critical care and clean-up of the
Planet's oceans due to the harmful chemical plastic pollution
along with the the task
rebalancing and fortifying the oceans for all sea life
and ecosystems;
vi |
health care choices, emphasizing the
freedom of natural
alternatives and nutritional supplements based on
common sense
Terrain theory (vs Germ theory) to
heal disease and
maintain health the natural way as the
Earth herself is both a healing agent and
a partner in our Evolutionary Consciousness.
vii |
reviving, rebalancing and
regenerating all of the Earth's ecosystems and animal
migration routes and habitats world-wide in the "help
all, harm none" dynamic. |
vii |
Create energy and technology totally
in harmony with the Earth, and the Human body
without harm to either.
Principle 5:
Free Movement for our Creative Endeavors and for Human
Common Unity (Consciousness):
Keep roads and bridges free, running
and in good repair and provide
land bridges for the wildlife.
Principle 6(66)
Never Again
— NO to Extraneous Material:
out All politics and politicians, all bureaucracies and
institutions that are simply there to do harm, steal
from us, oppress us, social engineer us, and divide all. All
are redundant and objects for corruption acting as middle men
for the instigators of WIDESPREAD AND WORLDWIDE
organized Evil,
destruction, division, killing, theft, deceit,
starvation, and impoverishment
all under a Satanic System
that includes
the deadly injections;
We Can and Why Not
— and What are We Waiting
"He died to make men Holy let us live to make
men Free"
The Battle Hymn of the
We All Go Union Forward
Under God
"Drive Out Demons [in His Name]"
Matthew 10: 7-8
"This is My Chosen Son, Listen to Him"
Luke 9:29, 35
![](spiritualWarfare.jpg) |
![](Jesus_andMoneyChangers.jpg) |
![](Jesus_and%20Pope.jpg) |
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thief [of both of our lives and our world] comes only to
steal and kill and destroy [on Earth]. I came
[on this Earth] that they
[the Children of God] may have life and have it
abundantly [Heaven on Earth]” — John 10:10 |
"This is my beloved
Son.... |
.... with whom I am well pleased"
— Matthew 3:16-17 |
In His Name,
Drive Down
Demons and Aliens—
that Simple |
Principle 7:
Prayer to our Creator
to Keep Evil at
Bay on this Third Dimensional, Material Realm
Christ, Savior (non-karmic saving Force—Grace—through
His Suffering, Crucifixion, Blood and Resurrection) and
Lord (Champion Consciousness,
"I Am the Truth and the Way") of the Human race
and Earth on this material plane, asked us to pray to our Creator to keep Evil
and demons at bay so that we may, as the children of
God, as our task, establish our Creator's Heaven on
this Earth—as we persist in this third dimensional
realm for a Paradise won:
"Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name,
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, On Earth, as it is
in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who
trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from Evil, for Thine is the Kingdom
the Power and the Glory, for ever and ever, Amen."
With the prayer in your heart,
"All you need is faith and thank
The power of Prayer enables
us the grace and space for CARING-IN-ACTION in our Great Freedom
Reset of the Peace Planet Party Way. Joining with
the Peace Planet Party Way allows us ALL TOGETHER a
Clean Break and a Great Collective Evolutionary Leap
Forward over what is:
A Common Passion with the Peace
Planet Party Way:
"We have reached a crossroads in human evolution where
the only road that leads forward is towards a common
passion... To continue to place our hopes in a social
order achieved by external violence would simply amount
to our giving up all hope of carrying the Spirit of the
Earth to its limits"
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin ..... further ...
The Two Laws of Evolution:
a) No
evolutionary future awaits anyone except in association
with everyone else;
b) We must bring our tangential energy to the
fore. Tangential energy is the Divine force within
every Human that leads Evolution, which is dependent
c) The Two Laws of Evolution: (i) the "Law
of Complexity Consciousness," which states that a growth
in complexity is always accompanied by a corresponding
growth in consciousness. However, the Law of
Complexity Consciousness is dependent on (ii) the "Law
of Recurrence," which states that nothing can progress
until it unifies. These two laws are the
blueprint of Evolution.
d) Tangential energy has to be mirrored through
the ethic of Oneness and Wholeness or on Unity for it to
manifest and express itself.
e) Diversity must build Unity.
The Power is in Prayer
Beyond Duality, God is our Third
Force in the World
Our Divinely Sourced being
Prayer and the Abundance of Food
in the Natural World
Ken Adachi Sums it Up
100th Monkey Resonant Effect
If you resonate with the
above Peace Planet Party Way platform, or it rings true
for you, then
care, share and show
it to others with the
image below
to raise the resonant frequency in the Collective
Quantum Consciousness of the Planet—which
simultaneously and almost instantaneously reaches and
raises the actions of others—that
we may ALL resonate and act at a higher level in the
"help all harm none" dynamic.
"Help All Harm None Dynamic" is the SAVING FORCE IN THE
site is in conjunction with:
Think Wars are Caused by Humans?
No, All Wars
Are Caused by Central Bankers
And Cause a Lot of Vicious and Cruelly Inflicted, Sadistic
and Needless Human Suffering, Destruction
and Carnage
Unconstitutional, Immoral Tax Dollars at Work
the Other Side of This Manufactured Mayhem
![](http://pppway.net/22-military-suicides-per-day.jpg) |
![](http://pppway.net/Wardead.jpg) |
![](http://pppway.net/warfamilies.jpg) |
No Human,
U.S. Soldier,
Can Bear This Much Mass Murdering, Torturing and
Traumatizing of Civilians
This is the Basis of "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder" |
America's Worst Enemy is its
Dollar Military
The Military Knew Israel Did 911,
Not Arabs or Muslims, Why Didn't
They? |
![](http://pppway.net/AmericanChildren.jpg) |
![](http://pppway.net/homelessvets.jpg) |
![](http://pppway.net/waramputee.jpg) |
Fool Me Once
War Destroys You, Your Nation, and
the Planet |
Losing your Soul, Mind, Life,
Livelihood -- Does that Really Make a Nation Strong? |
The U.S. Military is America's Worst Enemy
War is an
Evil Clown
is The Military and Its Recruiting
Making the
Ugly Deed of War as American as
Apple Pie—Now
The System that Sent You to War
A Brief American Hand Book for the Young
Getting Back to Basics of the Real America:
Founding Father George Washington said in his "Farewell
Address" there should
be no foreign alliances or entanglements:
"It is our true policy to steer
clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the
foreign world.."
[which includes
Israel, along with the
absolute and total separation of
synagogue and state.]
USMC General Smedley Butler said,
are only two things we should
fight for. One is the
defense of our homes [which also
means from the Zionist Central Bankers-Wall Street
Economic System] and the other is the
Bill of Rights"
And that,
"War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the
oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most
vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It
is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in
dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best
described, I believe, as something that is not what it
seems to the majority of the people. Only a small
'inside' group knows what it is about. It is conducted
for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the
very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes."
Major General Smedley Butler, USMC
No Standing Armies
The American Founders Believed
Standing Armies are Inconsistent with Liberty, and
Emphasized the Right to Keep and Bear Arms" in its
place. Article
America has Veered Far
Off Its Founding Documents and the Writings, Vision and
Addresses of Its Founding Fathers
story of David Perdue is a story of the destruction of
everything America stood for. The story of David Perdue
should be a lesson for all those hundreds of thousands
of Americans who either died in some useless war
overseas or for those well-paid textile workers who
ended their careers working flipping burgers at
McDonald’s. Walmart part-time workers who have virtually
no benefits, gifted weaving and sewing talents,
maintenance men who held America’s plants together, and
even executives like my best friend owe their plight to
men like Perdue. Worse still, the lies and arrogance
still flow in the form of mindless form emails that just
flat out lie to constituents. Washington D.C. has become
a cesspool. Men and women like David Perdue are the
cause of blood flowing across the planet. And they don’t
care. The rationalizations, their amoral business
demeanor, bragging about being FOR the big boys.
Georgians should drag people like Perdue out and tar and
feather him like in days gone by. But instead, men like
Perdue putt on the perfect greens of the legendary Sea
Island golf club. They dine on freshly ironed fine linen
tablecloths at The Cloister. Representatives like David
Perdue can even take up aristocratic sports like
falconry or cruise the salt marshes aboard the Sea
Island Explorer yacht"
A Message for
the Poor Peoples
Campaign and Other Good-Hearted Americans to Unite
and Stop War
through All Its Components
War is Not America's Way and is the Root of All
America's Ills
The Real Reason the Pentagon is
"Missing 10 TRILLION Dollars
The Realization that All the
Sacrifice was "FOR NOTHING"
What Americans Don't Realize how
Greatly they are Harmed by Endless US Imperial Wars
Planning Endless Future Wars to
Cater to the War Profiteers and Weapons Industry
In Search of an Enemy for Another
New Weapon Creation
De-Program Yourself from the National Glorifying of War
"American preachers have a task more difficult, perhaps,
than those faced by us under South Africa's apartheid,
or Christians under Communism.
"We had obvious evils to engage; you have to unwrap your
culture from years of red, white and blue myth. You have
to expose, and confront, the great disconnect between
the kindness, compassion and caring of most American
people, and the ruthless way American power is
experienced, directly and indirectly, by the poor of the
"You have to help good people see how they have let
their institutions do their sinning for them. This is
not easy among people who really believe that their
country does nothing but good, but it is necessary, not
only for their future, but for us all.
around the world there are those who long to see your
human goodness translated into a different, more
compassionate way of relating with the rest of this
bleeding planet."
Storey, former president of the Methodist Church of
South Africa
America, War Deceives
Israel Did 911
World Zionism is the
Enemy of All Nations and Humanity and is Taking Over
America First Pledge
Your Tax Dollars Only Fund
Perpetual War and Israel
and its
Endless Terrorism Schemes
![](http://pppway.net/jamesMadison.jpg) |
James Madison
"Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps,
the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops
the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies;
from these proceed debts and taxes … known instruments
for bringing the many under the domination of the few.…
No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of
continual warfare."
Madison, Political Observations, 1795
Martin Luther
king, Jr
![](http://pppway.net/mlkjnr.jpg) |
"A nation that continues year after year
to spend more on military defense than on programs of
social uplift is approaching spiritual death"
-- Martin Luther King, Jr
![](http://pppway.net/jfk.jpg) |
John F. Kennedy
"We do not want a PAX
Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of
Not the peace of
the grave or the security of the slave.
I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that
makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables
men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a
better life for their children—not
merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and
merely peace in our time but peace for all time"
Destiny is Not Power, but Light"
— Benjamin Franklin
Reinvigorate the Great
Founding Principles and Ideals of America and All those
Who Followed in Her Truth Path
Manufactured Reality—is
Clearly an Unnatural State of Both
the Human Condition and Planet
And When is
What Sickened Sgt Bowe Bergdahl?
Killing the Kids, What sort of World is
The Peace Planet
Party Way Stance
The Earth, in its Meant-to-Be State, is a Perfect
Organism and so Are our Human Bodies
All Geared to the Universal Vibration of LOVE
All Religions and Wisdom Traditions of Earth have Shown us
Their own Unique Ways, Wisdom and Teachings
how to Get back
into the Groove with the Universal Law of Love
Our Natural State is Sharing, Caring, Helping and
Uplifting One Another—
Through All Our Colors, Ethnicities,
Cultures and Religions
Including with All Life on the Planet
Because the True Essence of the Human Being
is to Help Not Harm
The Inner Free State of Human
Reaching Ones' God-Given Human Potential
![](http://pppway.net/Workers.jpg) |
don't want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of
John D. Rockefeller
Really, Is This All There is to Human Existence?
The Makings of an American Gulag
"Prisons are
the prototypes for the future community at large—for the
world outside the prison gates. They are emblematic of
the disempowerment and exploitation that corporations
seek to inflict
on all workers. If
corporate power continues to disembowel the country,
life outside prison will soon resemble life in prison."
Here's What Human Existence is About: The
Fulfillment of the Pyramid of
Human Needs
Seen and known conclusive fact: The Economy is the structure
which shapes the lives and the environment of people (and by
direct consequence—all
other living things.)
Like happy plants and animals, the Outer Free
State of Human is a sound and beneficial monetary system that
allows abundant disposable income to fully feed, clothe, house,
educate and to live one's full potential. The Human full
potential involves an expanded mind and consciousness
(awareness, reality) through the progression of the fundamental
Human needs.
The following fundamental Human needs are derived and expanded
on from the early 20th century psychologist, Abraham Maslow.
These needs mean that no Human being can progress or even begin
their true, natural, happy and fulfilling existence WITHOUT the
first, and then all other succeeding needs being fulfilled:
Priority One
Physical Needs:
1. Clean, Natural and Pollutant and Chemical-Free Water (as the
Earth Gave it to Be);
2. Nutritious, Wholesome, Natural, Non-Pesticide and Non-GMO
Food (as the Earth Gave it to Be);
3. Sufficient Clothing;
4. Good, Affordable Housing (to Create, Once Again, a Thriving
American Middle Class) and Interest-Free Home Ownership;
Priority Two
—Value Needs:
5. High Quality Education that Develops and Expands the Human
Mind to Not Only Know
—But to Also Think and to Question;
6. The
Moral Life and Being, Contemplation and Self-Reflection on Light
When understood fully, the Moral life and being is the
door to an ever expanding INNER knowledge (as in the
Delphic injunction, "Man,
Know Thyself"), freedom, self-autonomy,
wisdom and greater, limitless Human inner depth. The
American Founders also believed that Morality is the
self-discipline necessary for the least government.
Following the same track that the American Founders
asked us to travel, we will then find that through the
further expansion of our Moral awareness, no government
is necessary, other than to maintain the nation's roads
and bridges and other civil works (that would not
deadly cell towers).
7. Living to Your Greatest, God-Given, Human
Creative Potential
— That which Sparks and Fires your
Human Soul, Passion and Drive.
**How do you find
your own unique motivating purpose and gift to the
world? Ask yourself, if you had all the money and time
in the world, what would you do? |
When all Human beings reach level 7—
where the sound and beneficial monetary system of the Nation
allowed them to reach Levels 1 through 6
— (as "The care of Human life and
happiness and not their destruction, is the first and only
object of good government"
— Thomas
Jefferson), then 7 is when the Human race
will both individually and collectively, at the same time, take
the world in a forward direction in an amazing evolutionary leap
toward its TRUE DESTINY and God-Given Purpose (of a Higher
spiritual Life with the Creator or Source of All Life—as
Christ Jesus
said, "Verily,
verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that
I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall
he do; because I go unto my Father.”
A. Physical Needs Explanation
In brief, a Human being’s life or consciousness
(awareness, reality) cannot progress if his or her stomach is
constantly hungry – as their lives are spent searching and
filling their stomachs with food. When the food level is
fulfilled, a Human being’s life or consciousness (awareness,
reality) cannot go further unless his or her need for clothing
is fulfilled—as their bodies will be constantly shivering and
prone to all the elements. When the clothing level is
fulfilled, the Human being’s life or consciousness (awareness,
reality) cannot go further unless his or her need for shelter is
fulfilled—as their lives will be constantly dominated by the
shifting temperatures and weather. The need for clean, natural
and pollutant and chemical-free water at Priority One as the
first fundamental Human Need is now self-explanatory.
When all four levels of the Pyramid of Human Needs, i.e. Water,
Food, Clothing, Shelter are fulfilled, then the Human being is
essentially stable and ready to progress or evolve to his or her
Value Needs, i.e. Education and Self-Actualization (Levels 6 and
7) that both grow, evolve and fulfill the Human being and the
world together.
B. Value Needs
The last two levels of the Human being’s fundamental Pyramid of
Human Needs are both at the end (of the priorities) and at the
top (of the pyramid)—i.e. education and self-actualization—which
starts fulfilling the non-physical side or spiritual side
of Man—which in Sanskrit means mind—i.e. both the
thinking and reflective part of the Human being.
The urge to grow the mind is the urge to grow and thus KNOW
inwardly. Knowledge is what grows both the Human being and the
world—and yet there is one more level that fulfills and
completes the Human being and that is the Human being’s own
self-actualization—which essentially is realizing one’s own
full, highest and creative potential and passion in life that
at the same time connects with Creation and the Creator of
all Life on the Planet and the Universe itself. At the greater
(Light) level of the Human being, in the living context of
Creation, one's purpose is aligned to the greater force of Love
where there is harm to none, and progress of one (Self) and all
(World) are
simultaneous. Living in
alignment and self-knowledge with one's higher Self, Creation,
and Creator is the true life and purpose of all Human
At the same time, Level 6, the Moral [sacred inner] life and
track of the fundamental Pyramid of Human Needs starts to
consciously align one's being with the
Creator's to make the
connection, and the Light and spark within the Human being will
merge and manifest with the Creator's own Being (Light, Being,
Awareness and Reality): "God is Light, and in Him there is no
Darkness at all" (1 John 1:5).
Under God |
Free State of Human
America Will Be!
Through the
Peace Planet Party Way
where Technology Meets the
Planet's Ancestors
For the Right Thriving Economic
and Planetary Life
and the Fulfillment of the Pyramid
of Human Needs for All
No Human Being is an
Enemy of Another Human Being
We All Have the Same
Human Needs |
The Peace Planet
Party Way
Conference Center
Continue the "Free State of Human"
Journey: Under God:
Thomas Paine said, "Man is not the enemy of man but through the
medium of false system of government." That is true for in our
"Free State of Human" we find that No Human being is an enemy of
another Human being because the very
essence of the Human Soul is to
"Help Not Harm."
We also know that War and conflicts are all devised, planned and
manufactured for the ever-turning wheel of the War economy—at
the immense suffering and devastation of all Life on the
In our Free State of Human we learn that "The Economy"—i.e.
from the usury-debt-free, sovereign control of the printing and
issuing of money to its sound and beneficial utilitarian purpose—is
quality of life of the
individual, to the life of the nation, and to the condition of
our world.
Indeed, Abraham Lincoln said, [in the true America as the
Founders and her sons and daughters envisioned],
will no longer be master but become the servant of humanity."
Our upward trajectory through the fundamental Pyramid of Human
Needs through the material to the spiritual is interdependent
and entwined with the "The Economy," along with the integrity of
our Planet which supports Life itself. It is the reason why the
presence of the manufactured realities of War and conflict in
our world reality cannot be a separate existence to the very
existence, well being and upward trajectory of our own souls or
lives, and of each other's, in the Human world. Martin Luther
King, Jr was able to see the two interdependent realities when
he said, in his Address to the Riverside Church in New York City
on April 4, 1967, "A nation that continues year after year to
more on military defense
than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual
The early, 20th century, black American poet and bard, Langston
Hughes said:
"O, yes, I say it plain, America never was America to me,
And yet I swear this oath—America
will be!"
What is it, in America's Founding principles, Ideals and
vision from its beginnings in the purpose of the America's
Revolutionary War of 1776 and its Declaration of Independence,
through to its Civil War 80 years later—and
now, two centuries later still invoke the inspiration, nobility
and vision in the soul and heart of all who know that America's
true journey is that of the Sacred—the
Oneness and Wholeness of All Life as it also pertains to all
Human beings in all Religions, Colors and Ethnicities—one
Nation indivisible as each and all would be "Under
And Under God,
all equal, all endowed by Nature's God with natural rights to
life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that cannot be
surrendered, nor can they be transferred (to the 'elite," the
oppressors or tyrants) with the result and reality in the nation
that there is liberty and justice for all
without oppression in any segment or sector of the nation.
All rights, freedom, happiness, equality, justice for all and
indivisibility of a nation is possible, and is the reality of a
nation that declares itself “Under God” and upholds the Sacred
America's Founding father,
George Washington extended that Light within (all Human beings)
to the Light without when he said in his Farewell Address in
1796 to the Nation:
"Observe good faith and justice towards all Nations;
cultivate peace and harmony with all.
Religion and Morality enjoin
this conduct; and can it be, that good policy does not equally
enjoin it? It will be worthy of a free, enlightened, and, at no
distant period, a great Nation, to give to mankind the
magnanimous and too novel example of a people always guided by
an exalted justice and benevolence"
George Washington
Martin Luther King, Jr., in his "I Have a Dream" speech in 1963,
added to the unfolding of America's sacred journey through
seeing each other through the "content of their character and
not on the color of their skin."
Through the Free State
of Human, America Will Be continued through the Peace
Planet Party Way Conference Center (in conjunction with
The Spiritual UN Building Fund
where the Fulfillment of the Pyramid of Human Needs (Here,
Here and
Here) Exists in Collaboration
with the
Peace Planet Party Way Moral Technology—in
harmony with Nature, Nature's God, and the whole Human race.
At that point, America will align with her true destiny of Light
and no longer the error way of Militarization and perpetual
destruction, for Benjamin Franklin said,
"America's destiny is not power (brute force, tyranny, war and
weaponry) but Light,"
and where, at the same time, in the words of George Washington,
Human nature, [in upholding the nation's highest ideals and
noble founding and living it]
will attain "the last stage of
Human perfection." Amen.
* * *
The Importance of Morality in a Free and Just Nation
"It is always observable, that those who are combined to destroy
the people's liberties, practice every art to poison their
Samuel Adams, an American Founding Father
![](http://pppway.net/SamuelAdams2.jpg) |
Why America was
Never About Political Parties, but Great Principles of
Light and Living Up to Them |
![](http://pppway.net/JohnAdams2.jpg) |
"There is
nothing which I dread so much as a division of the
Republic into two great parties, each arranged under its
leader, and concerting [organizing] measures in
opposition to each other. This, in my humble opinion,
is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under
our Constitution"
— John Adams |
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