You Received Damaged Bodies and Shortened Lives with the DEPOPULATION SHOT Death by COVID "Vacciine" 100 Million Injected Americans Now Have Irreversible Heart Damage At the Same Time It was All a Profit Generating Scheme
the Best Pandemic
The Conniving Scoundrels are
Warning to All Humankind:
What has been Injected
![]() |
".... We're not coming after our brown
neighbors and our black neighbors and
our Asian neighbors. Nah, we are coming
after you corrupt politicians
(and pharma company executives) who have made untold
fortunes, telling us we should hate each other.
See, ya f*d up and we're waking up out here.
And we're coming together. We're
US Veterans Prepare for War
"It's About Time this Whole Corrupt
Stinkin' System
is Brought Down"
RN Nurse with Master's Degree:
"They are Fully Admitting It" (THE LIE)
Update 2023
![]() |
Never Get Another Vaccine Again!
"COVID 19 is Not a Real Human
Virus" Dr Tenpenny |
![]() |
5G is a
Weapons System Designed to KILL People, says Weapons Expert Mark
The COVID-19 vaccine adverse reactions data read like the
destruction of mankind as millions of North American citizens
die and are injured in the medical experiment that is in breach
of the Nuremberg Code and the Rome Statute of the International
Criminal Court," Steele said.
"The fact that the COVID-19 vaccines vector data was made in
biological chemical weapons laboratories proves that they are
only masquerading as vaccines, with the emerging data of
sterilization, ill health and death across the West revealing
their true purpose," Steele said. (Related: Study: 5G exposure a
"significant factor" in higher covid cases, deaths)
According to Steele, the 5G network has the capability to target
acquire and attack the vaccinated due to the nano metamaterial
antenna from COVID-19 vaccine. Article
* * *
"We are the Doctors who Care
About the People"
"You are Being Injected
with Razor Blades"
Brave German Research Chemist Dr Andreas Noack
Nano Graphene Hydroxide
CV19 Vax Destroys Hearts & Brains of
of People –
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi
People in the UK are Dying from
the Vaccines.
I'm Seeing this First-Hand"
— Funeral Director John
Autopsy Results of the VACCINATED
What is Responsible for the 'Outbreaks'?
The Race of Real Humans Will Not Surrender
to This
American Asks FDA "How Many Will You
with the Kill Shot Before You Shut the Program Down?"
Understand THEY Don't Care About
You or Your Children
extraordinary abuse of innocent children in our care can be
classified in no other way
than MURDER,” and he advised parents with kids in this age range to keep
home from school this fall “no matter what” —
Dr Michael Yeadon
— Former
Pfizer Vice President
and Chief Scientist
Even Islamic Law Forbids the
Former Pzifer Employee: "Game Over
Confirmation the Global Injection Program
is the Engagement
of a Long-Planned Bioweapon Against Humanity
COVID 19 'VAX' is a Military Black Project
The DownUnder Plan
More on the Australian Genocide Documents
Immediate Actions Today: 1. Unconditionally withdraw ALL Covid-19 'vaccines'. 2. Halt construction of mRNA 'vaccine' facilities. 3. Eliminate all 'vaccine' mandates. 4. Establish specialist medical units to treat the 'vaccine' injured. 5. Block attempts by the WHO to usurp our national sovereignty on health issues through the International Health Regulations. Longer Term Over the Next Few Months: 6. Set up a series of Royal Commissions into the perpetration of the biggest fraud and orchestrated medical disaster in the history of mankind with powers to prosecute individuals. This must include an investigation into the i) Mainstream media for their role in covering up. ii) Health authorities for collaborating and hiding deaths. iii) Health regulators for preventing useful treatments to be used, resulting in the additional loss of life. iv) Big Pharma corruption and infiltration of the healthcare bureaucracy with conflicts of interest. 7. Review of all laws and regulations which enabled our basic freedoms to be swept away and lockdowns implemented, in the name of keeping us safe with little justification or evidence. 8. Those responsible for the prevention of early treatment of Covid-19 and the obscuring of medical information regarding the dangers of the 'vaccines', to be prosecuted both in civil and criminal courts. 9. Completely overhaul the adverse drug reaction reporting systems, to be capable of detecting causal links and eliminate bias. Get rid of conflicted individuals and ensure transparency. If this cannot be done, get rid of the Provisional Approval system in Australia and similar emergency use approvals in other countries. That would be a good start... there is no time to waste. This is the greatest man-made disaster in history and those responsible must be held to account.
https://thelightaustralia.com/assets/pdf/ISSUES-4-THE-LIGHT-FINAL-VERSION_Single-pages.pdf |
Absolute Proof that the COVID 19 is a
Criminal Conspiracy,
Racketeering and Collusion to Commit Harm
on People and World Populations
The Shots Are Poisoning Your Blood
You are Being Poisoned
Dr Death Fauci is a Mass Murderer
"Some people are making
enormous amounts of money from this criminal enterprise
and it is a delusion
Dr Bhakdi: Vaccines Are Killing Us! Killer
Saying it Straight — An Italian Doctor
Truth Bombs
a Commercial Set
Horrifying: Man Livestreams Moment His
Is Found Dead, One Week After Dose 2
A Pathologist Summary of What
These Injections
Do to the Brain and Other Organs
Dr Lee Meritt Interview on COVID
with Alex Newman
Dr Larry Palevsky Exposes
the Entire COVID
If you have
done this to your baby, you have destroyed your
Fertility Crisis: Top OBGYN Slams
Pfizers Deadly Plot Against Babies and Women
‘The greatest crime against humanity’ in
Naomi Wolf’s 11 revelations from Pfizer vaccine documents
All of US Congress plus all Congressional
staff, House and the Senate.
6,000 White House employees.
2,500 Pfizer, 1,500 Moderna, and 120,000 Johnson and Johnson employees.
15,000 CDC and 14,000 FDA employees.
8 million Chinese students in this country [USA].
2 million illegal aliens are exempted.
They don’t have to get the shot.
"God, Guns and Country"
"I Will Not Comply"
The Religious Exemption
Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger - You're Being
How the mRNA Vaccines Are the Cause of
Prions in the Body
Five Doctors Agree that COVID 19
are Bioweapons and Discuss What to Do About It
(Jesus did not give up his soul when the
Devil offered him
the world:)
Pharmacists being Paid $6500 Each
Administer the Kill Shot
* * *
Vaccine Reactions from the Injected
Testimonies from the Injected
Medical Professionals and the Vaxxed Commenting
* * *
Lunatic Vaccines Now Being Given to Zoo
Gary D. Barnett - Vaccines, Masks & Tests
All Contain Graphene
Celeste Solum Breaking News Graphene
& Quantum Dot Application
Celeste Solum Video in Brief Here
* * *
Graphene Oxide + 5G = COVID 19
Graphene Oxide in the Shot
Your Lungs and Immune System
Global and National Consensus:
"This Government (and Any Other) is Unacceptable."
Trump is False Opposition
A Deadly Medical Tyranny is What we Have
It is Now THE PEOPLE vs.
the Globalists
We are "Their Hackable Animals"
and "Rats"
Foistng on Us Fascism and
The vaccine inoculators have liability,
and can lose all of his/her
assets, including one's home, automobiles, investment
holdings, and personal property
Unconstitutional and
Harmful Actions
Require Remedies
Frequency Change – A Deeper Look at COVID
Transmission Phenomenon
* * *
The Maiming and Sterilization of the Human
Race—Dr Christiane Northrup
The Future of Humanity—Dr Sherri Tenpenny
How to Help Your Body if You have
Been Duped
On Vaccines
* * *
"No Jab for Me"
Updates on the Frontline
INCLUDE All Those COVID Tests and Masks!
Slovakia Report: COVID
Tests Contaminated
with Nanotech Hydrogels and Lithium
RN and Medical Investigator Sandra Dunn:
"COVID Test Swab is Coated with
Ethylene Oxide"
Human to Humanoid
Dr. Carrie Madej - COVID Shots, DNA &
Bots, Borgs and Humans
Welcome You to 2025 AD
Celeste Solum
‘The Covid tests are magnetically tagging
you and the vaccine is designed for mass
depopulation and the synthetic transformation of the human body’
"We're All Chipped We're All Fu**ked"
The Lockdown, Amongst Other Nefarious Agendas,
is to Destroy
All Small Businesses for Centralized Banker Super
Capitalist-Communist-Techno-Fascist Rule
where there is Neither Property,
Rights Nor Good Life
Prosecute the Hoax
Legal Actions that Must Be Taken Now by
Business Owners and Others Before Utter
Destruction of America
Dr Reiner Fuellmich,
International Lawyer has All the Evidence
That Pandemic is a Crime
Your Founding Father |
![]() |
Learn, Live Free or Die—Yes,
It has Come to That
What the Smartest Man on Earth is Saying
Chris Langan has an IQ of 200
Humanity's Solution
Connecting the Pieces of the Puzzle to the Bigger Picture
of a World Being
Lost to Servitude and Slavery
![]() |
1. | The Corona Pandemic is a Hoax for Simply Financial Gain and Control and Restriction of People's Lives; |
2 |
Test is No Test As All! And it is Highly Dangerous! |
3. |
Mask Wearing is Highly Dangerous to
Healthy People |
4. |
Vaccines are Toxic and Deadly to Human Health |
5. |
Gates [and his Ilk] have Committed Crimes Against Humanity |
6. |
Fear-Generating, Lying and Deceiving Media |
7. |
"Lockdowns: Looks Like an Op, Smells like
an Op, Walks Six Feet Apart like an Op" |
8. |
"Contact Tracers" |
9. |
Pandemic PHASE 2
The Drive Toward a Full Blown Beastly Vaccine Tyranny |
10. | The
Globalists are (a) The Deep State, (b) the Financial Class (Wall
Street, Federal Reserve, etc.), and the (c) Zionist
(Israel Allegiance)-Nazi-Satanists and the Treasonous
Politicians All Rolled into One |
11. |
Bill Gates and his Ilk are
Zionist-Nazi-Satanists which Involves Kidnapping of Children, Their Torture, and Sacrifice to "Moloch"
and All This Needs to be in the Open for the Children's Sake! |
12. |
The Planned-Demic is a "Global Strategic
Special Operation" for New World Order Agendas and [Their]
Cosmic Endgame |
13. |
Satanic Israel is America's Mortal Enemy |
14. |
Globalists' Orchestrated Death Events of Humanity and
our Natural World through the Scamdemic and Lockdowns |
a. |
Hospitals and Nursing Homes are Kill Zones |
b. |
5G |
c. |
Famine |
d. |
Devastating Third World Genocide |
15. |
Taking a Deep Breath
Let Not Yesterday Repeat |
Where is the Corona
— The CDC Says
it Isn't Available
“COVID-19 is a Normal Flu Virus” – Doctors
for Truth
Consider Class Action
Lawsuits for Health Destroying Masks,
Forced Vaccinations, "As an American observer, I find multi-generational white Canadians FAR too liberal, tepid, gentle, and tolerant - for their own good - of tyrannical abuse by their politicians, government bureaucrats and police. Abusive people only GROW in authoritarian, tyrannical misconduct UNLESS they are smacked down hard - and often. That is what tempers abuse and unacceptable misbehavior by police or politicians. Forget wasting time on protests or demonstrations. They could care less. What stops these demons cold is hefty lawsuits.
"Just a month ago, ONE woman, a determined patriot named Peggy
Hall (TheHealthyAmerican.org) attended a Board of Supervisors
meeting in Orange County, California and was only allowed to
speak for ONE minute, in which she told every Board member that
she and her lawyer are going to file a lawsuit against every
single board member individually if they vote in favor of a
mandatory mask policy that would have included citation fees
and other criminal penalties since Board members LACK the
Constitutional authority to create law or to create 'fines' or
citations for 'laws' which they have NO AUTHORITY to create.
Restaurant Owner Wins in Court
Everyone Dances to
the COVID Tune, Why? |
16. |
Resist Annihilation
IGNORE all COVID Related Orders,
Use Civil Disobedience, Citizen's Arrest, Prosecute, Hold
Liable, and Return to a Better, Heart-Centered, Human Level of HUMANITY'S
Normal |
17. |
Assert the United States Constitution and
Constitutional Sheriffs in All States |
18. |
All Small Businesses Back Up and Running Again
and Other
Legal Recourse to the Faked Pandemic |
19. |
Stepped Solution
Do It for Your Children |
20. |
Nutrition and Body's Own Immune System Are
the True Healers |
21. |
Visualize, Pray, and Assert What is Good for Humanity and Four
Good Systems |
For the Children's Sake “The only question now remaining, I suppose, is simply this: how long can we – the American people – allow a government to stand that is so depraved, so fundamentally corrupt and criminal, so completely lacking in any semblance of morals or basic human decency that it would traffic in the minds and bodies of our children? HOW FUCKING LONG? " — Dave McGowan, American Journalist and Researcher For America's Sake "These politicians and elitists who think they can simply reorganize the world economy in their vision will risk being dragged out of their offices and hanged. These people have hurt so many by wiping out, not just jobs, but savings, their future, and families. They are so arrogant they really think all they have to do is print some Guaranteed Basic Income checks and all will be well" — 'The Elitists are Risking Their Lives to Maintain Lockdowns' |
1. The Corona Pandemic is a Hoax
for Simply Financial Gain |
We All Need to Call Out the Hoax
It's a Hoax |
“There was financial gains made with World Bank Pandemic
that there needed to be a pandemic before March 31
for pay out to occur"
Molecular Geneticist
Debunks COVID19 Narrative
"How The Coronavirus Pandemic Is The
Biggest Scam Ever
Perpetrated On The Human Race"
“The Shutdown of the Economy is About
One Big Nothing Burger Virus”
Dr Sherri Tenpenny
"50 Million Americans will
Die from the New Vaccine"
The Plannedemic: Exposing The Truth Behind
COVID-19 Strategy
Judy Mikovitz
Doctors come forward at press conference
to bring truth to the American
"A cure for COVID exists, and the
public does
not need to cower in fear anymore!"
cure exists. Don’t let
Gates & Co. treasonous
vaccine tyranny gain traction in America.
The Documentary
that Will Blow You Away
Anonymous D.C. Insider Exposes
Covid Conspiracy Inside the Beltway
The Highly Damaging World of the COVID
Culture Tyranny
The Coronavirus Agenda - What the
Mainstream Media
Don't Want You to Know
Dr Rashid Buttar
"The Corona Virus Causes Nothing
than the Common Cold"
Dr. Lorraine Day
Unmasking the Lies around Covid-19: Facts
vs Fiction
of the Coronavirus Pandemic
Dr Andrew Kaufman
All Media [and Others] Liable for Destruction of
Society on All Levels
for Censoring
of Vital Life and Death Information
Professor Dolores Cahill
“Dr. Kaufman
[explains] why this is all planned, and is not really
about a dangerous
virus at all, but a way to control
people’s lives” –
WE All Need to Know
"Viruses are Simply Excretions of
a Toxic Cell"
If the cure of Hydroxychloroquine exists for
the virus as the
frontline doctors are saying,
then why do we need to make life destroying lockdowns, take
untested vaccines that are killing test subjects, and for more
govt apparatus to spy on us and each other? |
![]() |
Tests: If masks are preventing the spread of the corona virus, then why do they need to put a 6" long cue tip deep up your nasal passage toward your brain to get a sample when a simple mouth swab would be sufficient? Test takers are even reporting that the penetration is excruciating painful at the time and for several days afterwards, and they also lose their sense of smell. Imagine—would you like to lose your sense of smell and never be able to enjoy all our flavors in life again? For what? |
LIES AND DECEPTION that is Going Too Far
There is Extreme Hyping of the Seasonal Flu
to a "Deadly Pandemic"
The Corona Tests Are Fraudulent
David Icke Explains the How, Why and What
Everything Corona
"We know
there are no
trademark clinical features of COVID-19 infection. That is
why diagnosis is so difficult.
COVID-19 tests are
notoriously inaccurate. Unreliable tests are used
to confirm COVID-19 coronavirus. "Confronting the new coronavirus infection known as coronovirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is challenging and requires excluding patients with suspected COVID-19 who actually have other diseases. Due to the unreliable tests for COVID-19 and the need to rapidly diagnose and treat patients with in rapid physical decline, symptomology is paramount in hospital diagnosis. .... "Ground glass opacities are linked to use of toxic and non-toxic drugs. More than 600 drugs known to cause lung toxicity. Many of the drugs used in the hospital to treat infectious diseases are toxic to the lungs! Sedatives and tranquilizers may induce pneumonia. The more medicine doctors prescribe the more likely you run into one of these hundreds of lung-toxic drugs." Article here |
Lying and Deceiving with the Statistics
"Dr. Doshi charges the CDC with deliberately lying about annual flu deaths to '[work] in manufacturers' interest by conducting campaigns to increase flu vaccination." He warns that 'by arbitrarily linking flu with pneumonia, current data are statistically biased.'" Article here
Death Certificates Being Manipulated
The Lying Laughable CDC
(Centers for Disease Control & Prevention)
A Vaccine Tyranny Being Built on Financial
Incentive to Diagnose "Everything" COVID:
"Right now Medicare is determining that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital you get $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator you get $39,000, three times as much. Nobody can tell me after 35 years in the world of medicine that sometimes those kinds of things impact on what we do." Here |
Italian Outrage at Lies and Deception
Padded Death Statistics
Ventilators Cause Harm
More on the Harm of Ventilators
Dr Shiva
— "It's Not About Health"
Doctors: "You Don't Quarantine Healthy
People, Only Sick People"
Brave Doctors Demand End to COVID-19 Lockdown and Social
The Terrible Secondary
Effects of the SCAMdemic:
Start at
ER Doctors being
Pressured to Add COVID [to the Death Report]
"If You are Going to
Dance on Some One's Constitutional Rights,
You Better have a Really Good Scientific Reason and Not Just Theory"
Stop Hurting Small
Study: Social Isolation Leads to Higher
Death Rates than
Smoking or High Blood Pressure
Corona Tests are Being
Infected with Corona Virus!
at approx: 23:00
Who Needs Mr Gates'
Death Vaccines when we Have:
ASYMPTOMATIC People, i.e. Healthy People have the Right
to Protect Other People with Less Strong Immune Systems
— Natures Own Brilliance
Can Comprehend at:
Dr. Rashid Buttar
Respiratory Doctor
Questions the Broad-based Test Itself
Open the World Back Up
Sunlight Kills Virus and is Good for Our Well being
No Kidding!
The Crisis Won't Stop Until The
Globalists Are Removed From Power
we are able to get rid of our internal parasites who
rule over us,
we won't be able to tackle other
Vladimir Kvachkov, Former Military Intelligence Officer
2. The Test is No Test As
All! And it is Highly Dangerous! |
![]() |
"If masks are preventing the spread of the corona virus, then why do they need to put a 6" long cue tip deep up your nasal passage toward your brain to get a sample when a simple mouth swab would be sufficient? Test takers are even reporting that the penetration is excruciating painful at the time and for several days afterwards, and they also lose their sense of smell. Imagine—would you like to lose your sense of smell and never be able to enjoy all our flavors in life again? For what?" |
Inventor of PCR Test said It is NOT to be
Used for Diagnostics!
Health Investigators Finding the PCR Test
It is Simply a Process for Magnifying Gene
Sequences in the Body
So the COVID Test is a Fraud!
'Tests' Therefore can be Manipulated to
Suit the Globalist Agenda
for the False Narrative of a "Pandemic"
Watch Out for Those Corona Virus Tests!
Tests Instead are Meant for
Another Nefarious Purpose
Ever hear about the
"Cribriform Plate"?
"The Coronavirus Test is not
and Likely to be
for Clandestine Brain Access"
Former US Army LTC of 28 years Speaks:
The Tests May Be The VACCINE!
The Test is Giving You the Vaccine
Are the COVID Tests a Way to
Surreptitiously Infect
or Implant People?
Yes, They Can Vaccinate
Us through Nasal Test
Swabs and Target the Brain
They are Using the Test to FORCE
Vaccinate You
To Do What?
So You Become a
Technocratic Transhumanist Tool
That Transforms You into a Synthetic Human
Mask Wearing is
Highly Dangerous to Healthy
People |
Not Only are Face-Masks Ineffective,They
Unhealthy, and This is Deliberate
Instead of Oxygen, Here's what THEY WANT YOU
"All normal cells have an absolute requirement for Oxygen, but
cancer cells can live without Oxygen -
a rule without exception" "Deprive a cell 35% of its Oxygen for
48 hours and it
may become cancerous" (the
hidden truth about cancer).
We Must All Practice Mask Liberation
Face Masks Are Detrimental to Your Health
It's Really Common Sense
Unmasking the Truth: Studies Show
Dehumanizing Masks
Weaken You and Don't Protect You
“These [overly fearful masked]
individuals have been duped by a complicit media that
has continued to run with the absolutely, ridiculously,
outrageously inaccurate models and never adjusted their
level of hype and fear mongering long after those models
had been exposed for what they were—ridiculous.”
here |
Dr. Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy
“How can a person be forced by any business or government entity
to wear a mask (which affects the respiratory system)
without having a physical exam by a licensed doctor who approves such an
action?” – Peggy Hall, "The
Healthy American":
Masks Don't Work
| Mask
Deception |
Where's the Proof?
Masks Cause Damage: Study Reveals
Clot Connection
Mask Mouth is Like "Meth Mouth"
“Dentist warns harmful ‘mask mouth’ is
impacting 50% of
patients due to prolonged use of masks”
Mike Stone — Instead of Mask, Wear a Dunce's Cap
"Go ahead. Volunteer
to be first in line to inject your body with poison.
We'll hold your dunce cap for you."
Don't be a Blue Piller
"These Are REALLY Sinister [Beings] We're Dealing With..."
John Waters
They Want to Change Your Perceptions
Based on a Total DECEPTION that Only Satan Could Think Up
The body needs to dis-spell carbon dioxide and other wastes from the body in the respiratory process — Masks inhibit that and sicken the human body instead.
The body also needs to
have a good oxygen supply for all organs especially the
brain to function properly. Masks inhibit that and
instead encourage naturally occurring viruses to simply
grow and multiply in your body. Do you breathe
well in a mask that covers your nostrils? |
![]() Our human immune system is developed and made stronger by our association with people—what is known as "herd immunity." People with stronger immune systems help those with less strong immune systems to develop the right antibodies NATURALLY and thus strengthen their immune systems as well. USE COMMON SENSE. You don't quarantine healthy people. You quarantine sick people. |
Masks are for surgeons to stop their drool or any spit from entering the patient while operating. That's all. Essentially, your FEAR becomes a laughing stock for the Powers that want to oppress you. The only mask you need wear: ![]() “Who imprisoned me here? Who keeps me here? Who can release me? Who’s controlling and constraining my life except…me?” -- V For Vendetta |
4. All Vaccines
Toxic and Deadly to Human Health |
Know What You Are Giving Your Children in
a Vaccine,
and What you are Taking in a Flu Shot
On Vaccines [Toxic Injectibles"] and Your
Del Bigtree
My Fight Against Mandatory
Vaccinations, Big Pharma, And Dr. Fauci
Important Talk by Robert F.
Kennedy, Jr
Moderna Admits: mRNA Jabs Are an
‘Operating System’
Designed to Program Humans
Only the Beginning: Heinous Side
Effects and
Death from COVID Trans-Human Injections
Moderna COVID Vaccine Causes "Monsterism"
A Vaccine Damaged Child
“Almost no one has any real idea what’s found in vaccines. When they allow themselves to be injected with vaccines, they’re oblivious to the fact that they are being injected with aborted human fetus cell lines or African Green Monkey kidney pus cells harvested from infected, disease primates” – Article here |
COVID Vaccine Damaged Test Participants
Dr Carrie Madej's Warning
on 2020 COVID Vaccine
Yes, They Can Vaccinate Us Through Nasal
Test Swabs
and Target the Brain
Hitchens Says the Alleged Cure is
100x Worse than the Disease
Both the Unknown and Immense Harm to your Body
"The occasion is this fake pandemic; the big hammer is the vaccine against the phony COVID. Viewed from one angle, the whole fake epidemic is a set-up for the vaccine, and for mandatory vaccines" — Article here |
Mandated Vaccinations
Get Ready to Say NO
"You need to assume that malevolent people want you dead and have a plan to kill you. Dr Judy Mikovits discovered a retrovirus in our vaccines that has infected 20 million Americans and untold numbers around the world. That would be the XMRV– Xenotropic Murine Leukemia related Virus. It just sits in your body and does nothing until it is triggered by GMO food, pesticides, Glyphosate and toxic tap water" — "The Only Path to Victory is Survival" |
"50 Million Americans will
Die from the New Vaccine"
The Plannedemic: Exposing The Truth Behind
COVID-19 Strategy
Judy Mikovitz
2009 Lawsuit Exposed Illuminati Bio-Terror Vaccine Plot
"An international corporate criminal syndicate has
developed, produced, stockpiled and employed
weapons to eliminate the population of the U.S. and
other countries for financial and political gain." ... “….just more proof that it's long past time to repeal all of the illegal, unconstitutional 'legislation' that our corrupted Republicans and Democrats in Congress have egregiously passed these past eight and a half years and it's time to lock up those in Congress who have enabled these treasonous actions. Everything that has happened since the Bush cabal allowed the attacks of 9/11 has been intentionally designed to destroy rights, liberties, and to control populations” – Article here |
"Vaccines are Sorcery and Witchcraft"
Registered Nurse
"They are Not Vaccines, They are
Big Pharma Whistle Blower
"97% of Corona Vaccine
Recipients will Become Infertile"
Human Fetal DNA in Vaccines
Beating Baby Hearts Cut Out for
Vaccine Research
Goat, Papaya & Pheasant Samples |
![]() |
Suddenly the Porn Addict and Eugenicist Becomes the Dictator of the World |
Take the Thing at Your Own
who scoff at someone who's justifiably alarmed and
frightened at the prospect of being forcibly injected
against their will with a poison-laden, Nanotechnology,
DNA gene-altering, ID tracking / surveillance,
neurologically-damaging ischemia-provoking (stroke),
health destroying, fertility-ending, UNTESTED, UNPROVEN
ZERO liability (for the manufacturer) "vaccine" is a
FOOL who is simply wallowing in BLIND IGNORANCE of the
ghastly track record of the "vaccine industry" to
destroy (literally -- on the spot) and / or permanently
cripple and incapacitate the lives of untold millions of
innocent, trusting people who PRESUMED and ASSUMED (and
were TOLD by their doctors, medias, CDC, NIAID, Fauci,
Birx, Redfield, et al, fed and state "health boards,
etc.) that vaccines
were "safe and effective." Nothing could be
further from the truth .... "
Ken Adachi |
Will You Let America Be Destroyed?
"An international corporate criminal syndicate has
developed, produced, stockpiled and employed biological
weapons to eliminate the population of the U.S. and
other countries for financial and political gain." ... “….just more proof that it's long past time to repeal all of the illegal, unconstitutional 'legislation' that our corrupted Republicans and Democrats in Congress have egregiously passed these past eight and a half years and it's time to lock up those in Congress who have enabled these treasonous actions. Everything that has happened since the Bush cabal allowed the attacks of 9/11 has been intentionally designed to destroy rights, liberties, and to control populations” – Article here |
5. Bill Gates [and his Ilk] have
Crimes Against Humanity |
Italian Politician Demands Bill Gates' Arrest for Crimes Against Humanity — Full Transcript here
Gates. Along with WHO, Bullies Third World into Taking his Vaccines —
A Hardened War Criminal and a Depopulationist with
Killer Vaccines
Get Together to Re-Design the World
They Want Every Human Being on the Planet Poked with a
Highly Damaging and Poisonous Needle
“What Moderna is planning to do with their proposed
vaccine is extremely disturbing. “They have bypassed all animal testing. “It is the first of its kind RNA vaccine. They want to use their RNA vaccine to get inside our DNA and literally rewrite out human genetic code so we are not human anymore.
“Test subjects will be asked not to have children. Why?
Because Dr Buttar thinks they do not want the world to
see what happens when babies that are no longer human
are born. Once these babies are seen, the world might
say No to permanently rewriting our human genome.”
here |
Fetal DNA in Vaccines |
Would You Like to Take This
Satanic Psycho's Vaccines and
to Dictate Over Your Body, Your Life and the
Life of the World?
And the Greatest Fraud of the Past 40 Years
"Dr. Fauci has a communist mindset. He’s a liar and a tyrant, and his ultimate goal here is to see the coronavirus inflict maximum pain, suffering and death across America so that he can engineer a “vaccine coup” and portray himself as the savior of the nation. Sadly, President Trump played right into Fauci’s hands by denying the severity of the virus for far too long, allowing it to replicate to the point where over a hundred thousand Americans might die this year alone. That plays into the contrived narrative of the vaccine zealots who see mass death as their greatest opportunity to push vaccine mandates and steamroll “anti-vaxxers” who question vaccine safety." Article here |
Fauci and Bill Gates Want
Every Person on the Planet Vaccinated
"Like many other scientists and medical doctors we have featured here at Health Impact News, Dr. Shiva states his concern that the response to the COVID19 pandemic does not match the actual threat to the public. So when the facts do not support the action, we need to look for another cause for the actions." Article here |
Dr Evil is Pushing the
Weaponization of Life
BILL GATES: A Menace to Society
Who Must Be Arrested
and Prosecuted for Crimes
Against Humanity
Drs. Buttar, Shiva & Mikovits
BLAST Gates,
Call to ARREST Fauci as Crisis CRUSHES
The Fear-Generating, Lying
and Deceiving Media |
Sold Their Souls
How the
[Mockingbird] Media is
Brainwashing You
(((Media))) Inflates Common Cold to Trash
US Constitution
Whopping Tales of the Mainstream
Deprogramming from the "Cult of Corona"
Coronavirus: You've been
Here's how They Did it
When People Discover the Big Lie and Its Impact,
Nuremberg Style Trials Also in Store for Media
7. "Lockdowns: Looks Like an Op,
![]() |
Monsters are Creating This "New World"
They Want to Make Social Distancing a Permanent Part of Our Lives
“Can you imagine a world
where you have to constantly be concerned about walking,
Turn the Tables
"Contact Tracers" |
April 2020 Rockefeller Foundation
Paper Urges Testing and Tracing Entire US Population
Businesses Allowed to Re-open if
They Agree to Snitch on Customers
MSM Article Shames Those Who
Refuse Contact Tracing App COVIDSafe
Slavery or Freedom?
Would Americans Throw
Away Their Cell Phones
to Preserve the Nation's Liberty?
Would a Pocket Size US Constitution be Preferable
as the Only Pass to Show Anyone?
In the Meantime, Can Someone Please Create
a US Constitution App as the ONLY Pass
Needed for Any HUMAN Being
The Evil Scheme of "Contact Tracing"
and the Enforcement of the Highly Dangerous COVID Vaccine
COVI-PASS Digital Health Passport =
Instant Global Dictatorship
Is This the America
You Want?
Beware the Contact Tracers
Under Satan
“It’s surveillance, it’s invasive, it’s a gross violation and it’s a giant scam to separate people from their families, force vaccinate them and much more. The temperature is rising. Humanity now faces a formidable threat. The battle has arrived. Will people be able to retain freedom and sovereignty in the face of this sinister and all-encompassing NWO (New World Order) agenda? It will be a race against time to see whether people can wake up fast enough to unite and repel the dark force that is orchestrating Operation Coronavirus” Article here |
The Diabolical
Satanic Agenda with Artificial Intelligence
Covid Vaccinated People are being TRACKED in Real Time
Hijacking the Human Soul
The Destruction of the Human Body—How
They are
Planning to Create a "Zombie" Apocalypse
We Hang You
Pandemic PHASE
the Drive Toward a Full Blown Beastly
Vaccine Tyranny |
"The Global Conspiracy Against
God and
— Archbishop Vigano
Beware of the COVID 1984 PCR Test
Your Life Depends on It
Italian Doctor Warns his
of the Highly Dangerous Vaccine
Vaccine Tyranny Plan is the
Nation Killer
COVID-19: A Pretext for World Government
and Totalitarianism
Bill Gates Smirked
Will People Die?
[Absolutely Most Probably]
“The COVID-19 crisis has been engineered by
Bill Gates from seasonal flu in order to crash the global
normalise authoritarianism, and further the elites' goal of one
world government.”
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Get Ready to be Assaulted by
a Deadly Weapon
MILITARY Vaccine Mandates? Dept. of Defense Purchasing 500
ApiJect syringes to inject every person in America with Coronavirus
From a human rights perspective,
a mandatory vaccination is an
assault with a deadly weapon
and a violation of basic human dignity
and the rights of personhood. This is self-evident from
the fact that vaccines kill people every year in
America, a verified fact that’s openly admitted by the
government in its quarterly vaccine damage reports (VAERS.HHS.gov). If vaccines kill and maim people — which they do — then forcing an especially fast-tracked vaccine on someone against their will is a form of violence and a clear felony assault against that person. If someone is attempting to assault you with a deadly weapon, you have every right to defend yourself under US law. No emergency declaration nullifies your exclusive ownership over your own body. And no legitimate government would ever attempt to claim the right to penetrate your body with dangerous substances without your consent. Article here |
Porn Addict and Satanist Bill
Gates' Plan to Use Microneedles
to Deliver COVID19 Vaccine and Embed Vaccination Status into Skin
The Corona ‘Gates’ Tattoo
— Brother Nathanael
“…Suddenly the geek becomes the ‘Nostradamus of Disease.’ Suddenly the nerd who deals in bits and bytes becomes a practitioner of bacteria and germs. All because Gates is a major funder of ID2020, a ‘Digital Identity Alliance,’ which includes “Gavi,” a vaccination cabal devoted to plunging a needle into 1.1 billion people’s veins. Got your Certificate yet? Now Billy Boy’s Microsoft ‘Manifesto’ for ID2020 is not only creepy, it’s a cheap shot on our intelligence: “Imagine a world where safe and secure digital identities are possible, providing everyone with an essential building block to every right and opportunity they deserve.” “Imagine” the mark of the beast you unprincipled Microsoft bitch? You want us to “imagine” some “building block” essential to our “deserving” every “right and opportunity” we already have as our God-given stewardship? You want to play “God” do you? You don’t want to mess with Him, little Micro-girl. And not to lose an “opportunity” to make kosher hay from a ‘crisis,’ the Jew Zuckerberg wants a piece of the panic." |
Fighting Back with the TIMELESS
The Best Cure for the Corona Virus Hoax is
a Red Pill
The Only Threatening Virus we Have on the
is Pure, Unadulterated EVIL
Ghana President Exposed Permanent
World Lockdown Plot
Military Coming
The Military Will Force you to
Have Untested Vaccines that will Permanently Alter Your
and More (!)
False Flag Pandemic Phase 2 Coming
for the Media Brainwashed
— "Bio Terror Pics on Shish Kebab
Italian MP Speaking for The
People: Phase 2 is Nothing but Persecution /
Continuation of Phase 1
Holders of Office Now Openly
Pledging Allegiance to the NWO in
They are Coming to Take
You Away
"Quarantine is what you do to restrict the
movement of a sick person.
Tyranny is when you restrict
the movement of a healthy person"
It's the "Mark of the Beast" End Time
(Make It Their End-Time)
666-Microsoft-Crypto-Currency-Patent-Marina-Abromovic Ad
Bill Gates and "ID2020"
No Kidding – the Mark of the
Beast: HR 6666 and Patent 060606:
First Legislative
Effort to Codify CV Response
“So What are the Next Phases in
Operation Coronavirus?”
World Domination Through Vaccines
"The Decade of the Vaccine"
"What is their sick motivation? Because they are bored
and have grown tired of the wars they engineered to kill
off the lower classes.
Rewriting the human genome is
just something to do to screw with humans."
No Going Back to "Normal" Unless
You are Vaccinated
* Contains Highly Toxic Ingredients (as Does Every
Vaccine) * Not Tested * Will have RFID & Nano Chips * You will be Tracked * It Will Also Permanently Damage and Alter Human DNA * Will Cause Millions of Deaths * It is the Weapon of the Globalist Depopulation Agenda |
Injecting You Through 750 Million GMO Mosquitos
10. The
Globalists are the (a) Deep State, (b) the Financial Class
(Wall Street, Federal Reserve, etc.) |
Banking Insider Exposes Covid-19’s Role
in Mark of the Beast Rollout
"These People Believe in Slavery they Practice Slavery
Believe in it ..... and Nobody Fights Back"
So, You're Not Into Politics?
The Zionist Communist Takeover
![]() |
A Free-fall Economic Collapse Will
Bankrupt the U.S. Citizenry as a Prelude to Establishing
a Planned Socialist State and One World Government
Holders of Office Now Openly
Pledging Allegiance to the NWO in
![]() |
The Race that Must Not be Named on Wall Street — Four Viral Lessons "There was no famine, no pestilence, no national labor strikes, nothing external except an influenza that mostly affected the elderly, to wreak material destruction. Yet a bunch of schmucks and female fussbudgets called “Governors” pulled down their own sovereign state’s economic houses and roofs on their citizens’ heads.
And everyone said, “Okie dokie, fine by me.”
Globalists Planned-Demic
The Satanic Globalist Central Bankers' Planned-Demic
Harry Vox Spills NWO Scenarios Rockefeller Foundation (2014)
The Billionaire Class Enemies
Inside of America are Real
The Billionaires who Run the Vaccine Industry
in for Enormous Recurring Profits,
Not your Health
An Ex-Merck Rep Speaks Out
FORCED Vaccinations: "You Have NO RIGHT to
be Vaccinated" Alan Dershowitz
"Wake Up America Before it's Too Late"
The Giant Vampire Squid Cult that Runs the
remains to be seen, however, is if The Cult has truly
consolidated enough power and
if more than enough people will have been awakened prior to the demise of
cellular communications and internet service."
Bottom Line on the COVID19 Beastly Vaccine Tyranny
"The COVID-19 virus has never been
PCR tests show RNA/coronavirus
(genetic) components that exist in a large
percentage of the human
population. Hence, the more tests, the more positives.
It’s also why so many deaths brought about by so-called
“co-morbidities” has occurred with people showing the
(likely pre-existing) RNA/coronavirus/genetic components
in their blood. And many died when ventilators blew out
their lungs in accordance with Center for Disease
Control (CDC) guidelines"
Wake Up America MASKS are Toxic and Harm Your Health: By wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the olfactory nerves and travel into the brain. — Russell Blaylock, MD. The chemical composition of masks and the toxic effects of inhaling: Dr Rashid Buttar VACCINES are poison-laden and untested and in summary contain permanently damaging and death inducing ingredients like formaldehyde, glyphosate (weedkiller), mercury, aluminum, aborted human fetal cells, Nano-technology, DNA gene-altering, ID tracking/surveillance, neurologically-damaging, ischemia-provoking (stroke), health-destroying, fertility-ending, UNTESTED, UNPROVEN, ZERO liability (for the manufacturer) "vaccine." Do the listening and reading with the articles and doctors on this page. |
COVID-19 and the Rockefeller
Ghanan Shocked and Amazed (at the
Depth of Evil) as he Reveals
Rockefeller Plan to Fellow Ghanans
David Icke Explains the How, Why and What
Everything Corona
Deborah Tavares Explains the ALL FOR PROFIT Rockefeller
Structure of the World that Actually Wants to Kill You
here If Satan had a Way to Destroy the Human Mind, he Would and Could and Actually Does through the Existence of All the "Intelligence" Agencies here |
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“… Relevant also is the fact that all top scientific advisers to the US President's Task Force on COVID-19 are tied since decades to the bogus and destructive HIV/AIDS research and propagation of false theories.” Article here |
Bill Gates and His Ilk are Zionist-Nazi-Satanists which Involves Kidnapping of Children, |
The Nazi Satanic Czars Coming At You
Bill Gates is Part of the Satanic Cabal
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"I'm joining the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation effort to find a drug that will prevent or treat COVID-19. We need this to protect our health workers, the most vulnerable, and all of our friends and families. I'm talking about this: I am so impressed by the work of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator's urgent efforts to find new or existing drugs that could effectively prevent or treat disease. Harnessing the strength and knowledge of the research community, the Accelerator's critical scientific progress will inform how we end this pandemic and prevent future impact from the virus" — Madonna |
Fetal DNA in Vaccines |
Would You Like to Take This Satanic Psycho's Vaccines and
to Dictate Over Your Body, Your Life and the
Life of the World?
Unmasking Bill Gates’ Disturbing &
Undeserved Influence on Global
Health Policy & his Controversial ties to Jeffrey Epstein
Pedophile Liars and Their Excuses to Monopolize and Destroy
All Natural on the Planet
Bill Gates is quietly carrying out a
sinister plan to force you to eat Fake Meat
More on the Wide Circle of Satanism's Pedophilia
"Out of the Shadows"
“The only question now remaining, I suppose, is simply this: how long can we – the American people – allow a government to stand that is so depraved, so fundamentally corrupt and criminal, so completely lacking in any semblance of morals or basic human decency that it would traffic in the minds and bodies of our children? HOW FUCKING LONG? " — Dave McGowan — Crimes of Empire |
A Look into Politicians
and Pedophilia
Where Do All of America's Missing Children Go?
Satanic Ritual Abuse
Children Give Account
"It's not Just Child Slavery, or
Child Sex Abuse,
It is Also Child Torture"
Robert David
Steele, CIA Spy
Child Trafficking for the Purpose of the
Rich and Powerful
Torturing Infants to Extract Adrenochrome
Start Outing Pedophilia as it is Linked to
That is Destroying this Country
Do it for the Children
The Planned-Demic
is a "Global Strategic Special Operation"
for New World Order Agendas
and [Their] Endgame |
Ghanan Shocked and Amazed (at the
Depth of Evil) as he Reveals
Rockefeller Plan to Fellow Ghanans
The Faked Pandemic is for the 'Great
to Global Governance
JON RAPPOPORT ~ "Fake Epidemics, Fear
& Global Stage Magic Tricks"
Bill Gates' 'Final Solution'
“Which brings me back to you and me. Why are we calling these formulations “vaccines”? If I understand the history of case law, vaccines, in legal terms, are medicine. Intentional heavy metal poisoning is not medicine. Injectible surveillance components are not medicine. Injectible credit cards are not medicine. Injectible brain-machine interface is not a medicine. Immunity for insurance companies is not the creation of human immunity. “We need to stop allowing these concoctions to be referred to by a word that the courts and the general population define and treat as medicine and protect from legal and financial liability. “The perpetrators of this fraud are trying a very neat trick–one that will help them go much faster and cancel out a lot of risk at our death, disease and expense. I understand why they are doing it. “What I don’t understand is why we are helping them. Why are we acquiescing in calling these bizarre and deeply dangerous concoctions “vaccines”? Whatever they are, they are not medicine. “So, what shall our naming convention be? What name shall we give to the relevant poisons, neurological damaging metals and digital shackles? “Whatever we call them, I know one thing. THEY ARE NOT MEDICINE, WHICH MEANS THEY SURE ARE NOT VACCINES.” Article here |
COSMIC END GAME: Coronavirus
Vaccines, Depopulation
and the
Demonic War to Claim your Soul for Satan
The "Abraham Accord Peace Treaty"
The Beast Plan of a Fake Peace Treaty
"Lost Gardens of Saturn" --
Hugo Talks
"People should wake up to the truth that never in the history of our planet has a small group of incredibly evil parasites managed to manipulate and control peoples thoughts and actions without having to use brute force. Lies, just like in the garden of Eden. And people wonder why this world is in such a state of disarray and confusion. Aside from throwing out our televisions and ripping down our cell towers and returning to the God of our forefathers I hold very little hope for humanity." Article here |
Excuse for the Sinister Larger World Government
"No longer available" -- We Wonder Why?
It's Because Humanity is in a Full Blown
Human Extinction Event
Being Orchestrated by the "Satanic New World Order"?
Celeste Solum COVID 19 Disruption By Design
The One World
Government Cometh
The Great Psyops (Psycological Operations)
i.e. DECEPTION on Humanity
Bible — The Mark of the Beast is Upon Us
Revelations' Bible Verses 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. … 13:16
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor,
free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or
in their foreheads 14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. |
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Satanic Israel is America's Mortal Enemy |
How Sick is Sick?
This is What Satanic Creatures Do, How
They Think and How They Operate
What Country Ruined America the Most
Because You Didn't Put on Your Thinking
And What About Your Young Men?
Who Murdered 3000 Americans and Started
all the Wars
in the Middle East and Afghanistan
over the 9/11 Big Lie?
Israel Did 911 and Israel Killed JFK
Scam Was
Interrupted by the George Floyd Murder
so That the
Could Win the 2020 Election
Formula for Success:
Black and White Unite as One Under Justice for All
And Yes, All Lives Do Matter
What we Have Instead:
Here are Your Commies
and Enemies of America:
"They Want Violence, Hatred and Bloodshed
Between the Races"
It Starts with All the Israeli-Zionists Organizations
in America
British historian Lord Macaulay warned, "Your Republic will
be as fearfully plundered and laid waste by barbarians in the
twentieth century as the Roman Empire was in the fifth, with
this difference, that the empire came from without and your Huns
and vandals |
“Thank you, @jamesmsweeney, for remembering my words uttered so very long ago; imagine if folks then had listened and acted. So much would be different today and I would still be in a position to help people and fight the traitors” – Cynthia McKinney |
"Yo, American Socialists: here are two experts, two philosophers, who survived Marxism’s hell. And both arrived at the same conclusion: Communism is Satanic, murderously atheistic, a cult of death and destruction" Article here |
Are the BLM / ANTIFA Riots a Jewish Coup?
The Satanic Practice of These
Soros Jewish Funded
'Trained Marxists' to Put Down America
The Necessary Purge of the Zionist-Israeli Parasite:
The Devil that You Did not Know That was in the Details
The Jewish-Owned Media
Beast That Has Controlled
and Degraded America for
150 Years
The Power They Have Simply
through the Media
"People 'Waking Up' is a Great Concern to Israel
David Goldberg 15:54
Israel Fully on Board with
Destroying American Liberty
Merging of US, Israel National Security
States Accelerates Amid COVID-19
Israel Trained American Beat Cops Become
Vicious, Brutal Killers
US killer cops mastered ‘fascist Israel’s
technique proudly
used on Palestinians’ – Roger Waters to RT
The Israelification of the American
14. Globalists' Orchestrated
Death Events of Humanity and |
A. Hospitals and Nursing Homes
Global Famine
Hospitals and Nursing Homes are Kill Zones
In his role as the chief medical officers of the nation during this pandemic, Fauci knows exactly what is going on in every single NYC hospital. Between the detrimental ventilators and the poisonous injections, people young and old have died needlessly. Especially those who have entered the hospital with no family or friends in tow have suffered a disastrous fate. It’s now a well-known fact of life all over the BIG CITY that you simply don’t go to a hospital or urgent care clinic or ER without a patient advocate staying by your side every minute. See: “It’s MURDER!” & “Patients left to rot and die” and, Nevada Nurse in NYC, "COVID is Not Killing People, They are being Murdered." |
Kill Zones — Hospitals and Nursing Homes
"Right now Medicare is determining that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital you get $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator you get $39,000, three times as much. Nobody can tell me after 35 years in the world of medicine that sometimes those kinds of things impact on what we do." Here |
"... when they sedate you it slows your respiratory system, think dying of alcohol overdose, you suffocate, ever seen them sedate a healthy old person to death, they enter the nursing home at an assisted living facility and a few days later BAM they are in a "coma" from which they never get "strong enough" to breathe on their own, circling the drain till they suffocate ... it's a sick way to get rid of your old people and no one cared, now they are using these tactics on the general public, this is what happens when you ignore those who you consider the least of you ..." Comment [by ozmliad pilgrim] here |
"........ If the elderly were being horribly mistreated
in Italy, then what about here in North America? And
what was sent my way via email just a few hours ago
shook my very foundation and made me realize that these
BASTARDS are in fact
KILLING OUR ELDERLY just to meet their "Pandemic"
fraud numbers!!!! Article
here |
calls upon other CNAs, nurses, and family members to go
public and tell the world what is going on with these
experimental mRNA COVID injections." |
Telephone: 1 (888) 219-3637
Watch the very first video (contained in the below link)
and listen very carefully to Senator (R-TX) Bob Hall: "There is no limit to the evil in hospitals and the patient is the last person on their list that they are concerned about. The hospitals would lie to people and pretend that they could refuse to let people out of the hospitals. As a matter of fact, I think there are many cases where the hospitals can be reported for kidnapping." And we all know, KIDNAPPING IS ILLEGAL, no matter what they then do next! https://www.protocolkills.com/get-help |
Schools and Your
Children: Important Information!
5G to
Intrude-Penetrate-Invade Every Home, Street, Neighborhood,
School and Every Corner of the Earth
5G is the Most Censored
Topic on Youtube / Social Media
Stage 1
While People are Being
Locked Down, 5G is Quietly Being Installed Everywhere,
Including Children's class rooms, and will Have Devastating Effects on
Human Health.
Stage 2
When People are Released from Lockdown, The Powers That Be Will Engage 5G
to Bring on the "Second Phase" of the "Pandemic" which
They Say is Going to be Much Worse [because
of Their 5G Secret Weapon].
5G is the Intensification Factor Needed to Wreak Overwhelmingly
Devastating Effects on both Nature and Human Health.
When People Start Collapsing in Schoolrooms and the Street,
They will Enforce Their Vaccine Tyranny on Us,
which Includes the "Mark of the Beast"
Tattoo / Implantable Chip
Yes, the 5G
Health Link
5G Causes Cell Toxicity and Intensifies the Effect
of Oxygen Deprivation to the Cell
It Also
Mass Insanity Due to Psychiatric Effects of
Cellular Poisoning
"We also know that 5G radiation and its
effects on the cells of the body can lead to symptoms of
insanity, hallucinations and even powerful personality changes.
Interestingly, CNN’s Chris Cuomo already described bouts of
hallucinations as he was battling the coronavirus, living in a
high-5G city (NYC).
I wrote on Natural News last December: "5G radiation causes “neuropsychiatric” effects through a mechanism described as ion potentiation poisoning of brain cells, according to research published in Environmental Research. "This results in behavioral changes and even personality changes among those who are routinely exposed, researchers found. In other words, 5G is a weapon system that doubles as a telecommunications infrastructure, but the real impact is to damage human brain function and destroy rationality, reason and civility, especially among those who live in high population cities where 5G towers are becoming ubiquitous. That’s why you may have noticed increased insanity and widespread mental derangement in those areas." Article here |
These Soulless Critters Continually Ignore the 5G
Health Impact of All Life on Earth
Electrical Wires to be Turned into Deadly
5G Transmitters
Cure COVID19 by Stopping 5G
More on 5G
Here and
Aluminum, Fluoride, Glyphosate and
The Deliberate Concoction to Shut You Down
EDWARDS ~ "The 5G Space Weapon,
Mind Control Agenda & Kill Grid"
Death Towers Take Down
(Arson and Sabotage)
5G Exposed: The Wireless Experiment
on Humanity
A 5G Psycho in Charge Blinded by Greed
Conscious Resistance
"The news comes after roughly 20 5G masts across Britain were attacked last weekend, with social media users citing conspiracies on 5G and COVID-19 and scientists and companies repeatedly denouncing the rumours." |
Digital and Vaccine Tyranny in a Totally Artificial and Toxic
is Usurping Human, Inalienable and
Natural Rights
and the Natural World Itself
A Weapon they
Don't Want You to Know About
Yes, the 5G Health Link
Duel Use 5g is a Directed
Energy Weapon Designed
for Control
Particle Physicist
The Achilles' Heal to the Killer
System on the Planet
Any Cell
Tower is Dangerous to Health and All Life
on the Planet
Even Nature is Telling Us
COVID19 Panel Found in
Cell Tower
Street Lamps Also Being
Street Lamps in UK
We are All Headed
Towards Famine
US Farmers Forced to Destroy Animals and Crops
Did the Nation
Consent to This?
America's Food Supply is
Being Destroyed
Worse to Come, If You Let It
Hunger Becomes a Bigger Threat to Survival
than the "Corona Virus"
Devastating Third World
End Now the Cruel, Brutal and Abusive Lockdown
in Third World Countries
national Shutdowns are evil and satanic; they are
deliberately meant to starve and bring hardship
to poor people. Fight this evil disease via many other ways not to
Shutdown economies and countries”
– Collen Makumbirofa, Human Rights Journalist, Zimbabwe
Millions of the Poor Around the World are Laid off from Work
which had Barely Enabled them to Survive in the First Place
SCAMDEMIC Catastrophe
— A Third World Genocide
The Amazing Damage and Harm Bill Gates has Already
Done in Third World Countries
"Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vac ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control over global health policy—the spear tip of corporate neo-imperialism. "Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems fueled by a messianic conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology and a god-like willingness to experiment with the lives of lesser humans. "Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India ‘s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the National Advisory Board. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously.
"In 2017, the World Health Organization
reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is
predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from
Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics
in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all
linked to Gates’ vaccines. "pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court. "In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a trial of a GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,049 children." …Robert F. Kennedy Jr., post on Instagram here
What Forced Vaccinations Looks Like
15. Taking a
Deep Breath
— Reflections
— Let Not Yesterday Repeat |
COVID-19 Has Replaced Osama Bin Laden As
The Fall Guy For Lost Liberties
is the Cover for Central
Zionist Bankster Communist Rule
The world is what they
make it for you
and it ain't going to be pretty
Who is the "We" Here in the "World WE Want"
asks Dr Sherri Tenpenny:
The Highly Damaging World of the COVID
Culture Tyranny
The Doll's House
“It is all a lie. A show. Nothing but a
spectacle for the gullible. A shadow play. “The current president, Donald Trump, is the choice of one faction of these psychopaths. This year, Joseph Biden, is the shaky presumptive choice of the other. Both are deranged puppets. Regular people fight over who is better or worse because they are living inside what Jim Garrison, the former District Attorney of New Orleans and the only person to ever bring a trial in the assassination of President Kennedy, long ago called “the doll’s house.” “It is a place where illusions and delusions replace reality. It is 24/7 propaganda. It keeps people engaged. It gives them something to argue about, one team to root for. It’s a sport. It is similar to Plato’s Cave. Fire has been replaced with electronic lighting and screens, but little has changed.” |
"First, they stole your pension money and
have no intention of making restitution. Catherine
noticed that in the 1990s. Genocide was the exit plan
Wall Street preferred. "Second, Zbigniew Brzezinski said it is easier to kill a million people than control them. The idea is to cull the herd of humanity from nearly 8 billion to a billion. 900 million commoners and 100 million Jews and Globalists to rule over them. Easier for them to control us, especially if they can chip us with digital certificates and track our every move and purchase. "Third, killing commoners individually and by the millions is the best fun that the 30 Families can have." |
It's All a Puppet Play with Real Consequences for The People
Tommy Vext Breaks down BLM Protest / ANTIFA
Very Simple to Understand
The Satanic Goals of Zionist Communism
Gates and Satanic Linked Companies
Only the Democrats?
The Satanic Democratic Left by Young Pharaoh
Where Do All of America's Missing Children Go?
Starting to Recognize Pedophilia is What THEY Do
"The World is Run by Planetary Controllers
who are Blood Feasting Pedophiles"
"It's not Just Child Slavery, or Child Sex
It is Also Child Torture"
Robert David Steele, CIA
Spy: See 35:00
Children Give Account
Wake Up to all the Vampirish, Sadistic, Blood Feasting
Pedophiles Who Control the Planet and are
Out to both Destroy and Enslave Us
The Necessary Take Down of George Soros
“Antifa does not
seek reform; it seeks to destroy society and rebuild it
as a Satan-worshipping Communist tyranny” –
Article here
Ditto For Bill Gates and Other
Monied People with
Delusions of Grandeur Along with
Their Criminal and Sexual Perversions
Ever Wonder Why these In-House
Terrorists are not Identified and Apprehended?
"ANTIFA' is a Zionist-Communist Soros Run
Satanic State Operation
on "The People" to Destroy their Nation
The Infiltration of Satanic Israel into the Black
Lives Matter Movement
Antifa and the Unknown Actors
"Gouge Out Eye" Training
"Break One of the Floating Ribs" Training
Vandalizing and Burning of Police Car
Putting Bricks in Streets Encouraging Violence
“They’re willing to fight anybody who does not share
their leftist radical
mentality of socialism and communism [satanism]”
Defending America
Jeremy Elliot
"It's Not About Your Health"
California Military Veteran Warns that Armed
Resistance is Coming:
“There’s a Million People Like Me, and You Won’t Stop Us”
When Guns Work
"Late night tonight defending by little town of Snohomish from rioting and looting by ANTIFA thugs. Once we got word they were on their way a thousand concerned citizens showed up, heavily armed. Not a single store was damaged and no one was hurt. ANTIFA showed up in little groups, saw everyone was armed and waiting, and they decided to move on" – Snohomish resident |
How the Human Race can Get
Beyond all the Evil Billionaires'
Agendas of "Divide, Hate and Conquer"
A Talk by David Icke
Don't be So F**king Naive
James Perloff, COVID-19 RED-PILLED
“Can people not see that Covid-19 is now the pretext for the abolition of liberty and a huge increase in the power of the state? The high price of gullibility is most strikingly shown in Melbourne” – Peter Hitchens |
The Fascist Boot on the Face is Becoming
the Norm—If
We Let It
Black Listed News
We Are All Finding Out We are Being Tricked
and Trapped with LIES
Put Up a CON-a-virus Notice
The New COVID-19 Authoritarians Will Only
Give Up
Power If They Fear Blowback
Share this Video: Message to
Police and Sheriffs
It's Time to End the Lockdown
Ohians Know and Lead the Way
No Adult or Minor for that Matter,
Should Endure this World Anywhere or Anymore
Lockdown Message: You Have NO
Social Distancing has its Roots in CIA
They Want to Make Social Distancing a Permanent Part of Our Lives
“Can you imagine a world
where you have to constantly be concerned about walking,
"We Are in the Last Battle"
"Every part of our lives will be subject to control. This virus is about training us for submission, training us to do what we're told. To not go to the beach unless we're told, to not kiss our girlfriend without their permission. They're turning us into production units and consuming entities. They are going to rob us not only of our democracy and our liberties, but our souls." |
Los Angeles Catholics Rebuke Archbishop
for Collaborating
"COVID-19 was
sprung on us by these very socialists to place society
and Church on lockdown, so your duty as bishop is to
ignore tyrannical state rulings and to remember your
fidelity to God who commands that you listen to Him and
not to corrupt state officials that have exaggerated the
COVID-19 figures for their own political gains. “The numbers are way over the top. Doctors have testified to how the government has pressured them into lying about COVID-19 death figures. It's all politically motivated. They deliberately up the number of COVID-19 deaths to justify the continuation of their socialist lockdown, which is all the more reason for the Church to ignore these state rulings and recommendations” – Article here |
Will Other Christians Follow the
Lead of the Los Angeles Catholics
or Follow the Dictates of the Satanic NWO?
Take Back the Beaches, Parks and
Just Put Away All the Barriers!
1. Prosecute! |
Everyone Dances to the COVID
Tune, Why?
The Best Pandemic Money Can Buy
Outcry- Prosecute Corona-Con War Criminals!! |
End the stupidity. End the corruption.
Prosecute all those involved for giving "bad data" (which cannot be mere stupidity, once even a fraction of the evidence has been examined--it was and is calculated conspiracy.
Prosecute those behind the push to implement the bad (totalitarian) ideas based upon the bad data, implementing a totalitarian takeover of not only the U.S., but all of Christendom, all of the (what once was the) free world, and the Third World--all based upon lies and "bad science"--if it can even be called science and to make drug companies (and their shareholders) even more fabulously wealthy.
Prosecute all those who took advantage of the situation (like hospitals and nursing homes lying [and murdering, yes murdering] to get millions of dollars).
Prosecute all politicians who voted illegally to violate the constitution--violate their oath of office, commit conspiracy / sedition to defraud and overthrow the Government of the United States--the true people. The elected / appointed politicians are not the government; they are our servants... the true people are the Government.
Prosecute all politicians who voted "yes" to print more counterfeit money and increase the so-called national debt.
Prosecute all politicians and all "law enforcement" who VIOLATED the rights of free people. It's about 75 years since WWII and alleged Nazi War Criminals are still being prosecuted for "following orders". If that excuse was intolerable then it should be NOW. Those who follow IMMORAL ORDERS are guilty of WAR CRIMES and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.
Prosecute all those who spread disinformation and propaganda--every politician, every media news outlet, every lying scientist, doctor, drug pusher.
You can't
destroy the lives of millions of people and then merely say
"oops". More
* * *
Read Ken Adachi's comment below the article.
"...There is not one sentence wasted here. Everything he stated,
NEEDED to be stated to make the full breadth of the treachery,
the subversion, the TREASON and the blatant, Rockefeller/Gates
eugenics genocidal agenda now set in motion to DESTROY America,
the American People, and our Constitutional freedoms -- crystal
clear to even the dimmest of intellects.
* * *
Print Robert Balacious' article in its entirety and
send to your mayor with this note:
"[Name], read this and
return to sanity. Get rid of those ridiculous barricades and
open up City Hall and the rest of what is left of this town. To
hell with governor edicts which are OBVIOUSLY NOT LAW AND
THEREFORE CRIMINAL. Government has NO MANDATE to shut down the
world over a damned chest cold or any other health situation,
real or fake, like this one. It is a treasonous, jail-able
offence against the people. Don’t be a party to it."
Stand Your Ground Against Health Damaging Tests and Vaccines
*Notice of Liability"
The Vaccination Notice for Physicians or
Agreement Between Vaccine Providers and Vaccinated Parties
Hold Individuals Personally Liable for Coercion
at: 6:06
Cal Washington
"InPower Movement"
How to Say No
Forced Vaccination Plan Unveiled
Consent / Refusal Form for the Corona
Mandated Vaccinations
— Get Ready to Say NO
Requirement of Mask Wearing VIOLATES OSHA
(Occupational Safety and Health Regulations)
All Media [and Others] Liable for Destruction of
Society on All Levels
for Censoring
of Vital Life and Death Information
Professor Dolores Cahill
Creative Lockdowns and Watering the
Tree of Liberty
"We don't even have to leave
home to defeat the Deep State. Just stop paying taxes,
fines or credit card debts.
Don't go to court if
summoned. Acknowledge that all people worldwide are now
since we abolished [tyrannical] Gov."
Start Over Possible Solution from the
Peace Planet Party Way
Open Small Businesses
Just Say NO to Crypto
Bring Back Interest Free Money
and Rid Society of the Mark and Its
Accompanying Ills
The American Revolutionaries
Colonial Scrip
Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln Greenbacks.htm
John F. Kennedy
Executive Order 11110
Anthony Migchels: Ending Debt & Usury Would Save Mankind
If People Could Realize Their
Power Everything would be Different
The Coronavirus Lockdown is Unlawful and
the Fines Issued are Void
The Healthy American
Fighting Back with the TIMELESS
"Know Your Rights or They Will Take Your
Citizens Issue Stand Down Order to Authorities
After Outlawing and Nullifying COVID Regulations
Tens of Thousands Gather in London
Starts at 45:00
Forty years ago, Osho said:
"There is NO virus in this world more dangerous than FEAR.
Understand this fear, otherwise you will become a dead body before your body dies.
It has nothing to do with the virus.
The scary atmosphere you feel in these moments is collective
Return to HUMANITY'S Normal |
![]() |
"Wake Up! Resist Tyranny! We will
Take Back our World! |
![]() |
Refuse the Health Damaging Test and the
Deadly Vaccine |
2. The Other New Normal |
The Other "New Normal" Should be the Prosecution of All
the Treacherous,
Subversive and Treasonous COVID Criminals, the Complete
Revival of the U.S.
Constitution, Cancellation of
All Debts, and the End to the
Income Tax
In Response, Italians Form New Nationalist
A Good and True "New Normal"
Beyond the Evil and Deceptive "New Normal"
We Are All ONE Consciousness with Different
Points of Experience
(as White, Black, Arab, Buddhist, etc.) —
A Talk by David Icke
The Human Race is in an Orchestrated Extinction Event
The Planned-Demic |
"Notice how the scam runs: they create a crisis, force people out of work, destroy small businesses, then re-hire those newly unemployed to work for the government as tracers – first making people dependent and then recruiting them to enforce the agenda" — Article here
“An awakened and determined humanity can stop this [diabolically nefarious] scheme and maintain freedom” –
Rockefellers and Gates
Key Orchestrators of the Crisis
Long Term Planning in the Works
to Conquer Humanity, i.e. the HUMAN Race:
shall have world government whether or not you like
it, by conquest or consent."
Statement by Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR)
member JAMES
to The Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February
17th, l950
The Technology Just Had to Catch Up
"The plan is to rapidly accelerate as many NWO agendas as
possible while people are still ignorant and afraid. To what
extent they succeed will depend on how many people can get out
of fear, educate themselves, unite and stand in the true
sovereign power, in the knowledge of their inherent birthright
of freedom"
If vaccines kill and maim people — which they do — then forcing an especially fast-tracked vaccine on someone against their will is a form of violence and a clear felony assault against that person.
If someone is attempting to assault you with a deadly weapon, you have every right to defend yourself under US law. No emergency declaration nullifies your exclusive ownership over your own body. And no legitimate government would ever attempt to claim the right to penetrate your body with dangerous substances without your consent. Article here
"When the People Fear Their Government, there is Tyranny; |
All This Madness Needs to Stop
— Just Say "No" (Nancy
17. Assert the United States Constitution and Constitutional Sheriffs in All States |
Learn or Lose the Basis
of Liberty
Seccession Now
Live Free or Die
Nullify Unlawful Over-Reach
Sheriffs: "We Took An Oath To The Constitution,
Not to Governors & Lockdowns"
"[Politicians and Lawmakers] All Need to Get
a Psyche Ward" Right the Heck Now!"
Gov. Gavin Newsom Sued Over Mask and
"Home Imprisonment" Orders
New World Order Lackeys Being Hit
With Constitution
The Declaration of Independence Says, "Government Exists by the "Consent of the Governed" The Founders Say an Unconstitutional Law is No Law at All Are You Consenting to Your Own Oppression and Enslavement? |
Talk Given by a Real American Police Officer to Other Officers — Cautions Not to Awaken a "Sleeping Giant" 2 Fundamental Things You May Have Forgotten in the Whole Virus Crisis
"We Don't Get to Violate People's Constitutional Rights
because Somebody
in our Chain of Command
Tells Us Otherwise.
It's Not How This Country Works"
18. Get All
Businesses Back Up and Running Again |
Become a Bootleg Barber
or Small Business Owner—Truth
is Your Weapon
All Media [and Others] Liable for Destruction of
Society on All Levels
for Censoring
of Vital Life and Death Information
Professor Dolores Cahill
Put Small Business Licenses in the
of Constitutional Sheriffs
Stepped Solution
— Do it For Your Children |
Demand an End to:
The Manufactured Crisis and FAKED Pandemic
The Unnecessary,
Tyrannical Lockdowns
Destruction of America's Food Supply at the Source
Leading to
More Immense Harm and Famine in the Nation
Re-open the Economy
at Once
Outlaw Any Mandated Vaccine
50 Million Americans will Die from the New Vaccine
Dr Judy Mikovits
Yeah, the Russians are Coming
Arrest Gates, Fauci and Birx
— Crimes Against Humanity and Conspiring to
have to sicken and enslave us to protect this credit
Next, They are Planning to Take Away
Your Children
Being Deceived in Letting Your Children Go
Max Igan
Your Children and Social Distancing
The Future and Your Kids
88 Simple Truths About the Virus, the
and Everything in Between
Get America Back to Constitutional Freedoms, Rights and
Pray as the Founders Prayed
Focus on your Hopes not your Fears
Visualize, Pray and Assert What is Good for Humanity
and Four Good Systems |
"Wake Up! Resist Tyranny! We will
Take Back our World!
Work, Play, and Gather Again. Shed our Fear.
"That's Enough Idiocy. Let's Get
Back to Living Again."
Joining with Heart and Soul
Dr Buttar Hosts a COVID 19 Roundtable
"The Only
Thing to Fear |
A Spiritual
Warfare for the Life |
"There is no fear in Love; but
#Scamdemic - Are We Headed for Recovery or
A Cosmic Over View
Laura Eishenhower, Grand Daughter of Dwight D. Eisenhower
Get Her Back
The Soul of America is in a Garbage
What to Do While in Lockdown
Know What's Coming
— An Over-view and Talk
Connecting the Dots: Why They're
Doing This
Human Beings Aren't the Problem, It's The System
The True Pyramid Schemes
Bill Gates' Trojan Horse Pandemic
"When there is a good system, even evil men cannot do evil,
but when there is no good system, even good
men may not do good, they may be
forced to do evil"
Deng Xiaoping
Flattening the Pyramid and Becoming Equal
(In Quality, Opportunity and Right of Life)
Four Good Systems
A Unity of the Human Spirit NOT Politics, Nor Color, Nor
Creed, Nor Age, Nor Ethnicity
Reflections on the Soul of America
America was Founded on Religious
and Moral Principles
The American Forefathers
and the Last True Americans Helping
Fulfill Her True Destiny
Robert F. Kennedy: "Make Gentle the Life
of this World"
The Love that Religion Built
Human DNA should Not be
Damaged by Vaccines nor the Soul-Killer Tattoo
What is the Essence of a Human Being?
Compassion Hard Wired for Empathy
"I am opposed to
the system of society in which we live today, not because I lack the
natural equipment to do for myself but because I am not satisfied to
make myself comfortable knowing that there are thousands of my fellow
men who suffer for the barest necessities of life. We were taught under
the old ethic that man's business on this earth was to look out for
himself. That was the ethic of the jungle; the ethic of the wild beast.
Take care of yourself, no matter what may become of your fellow man.
Thousands of years ago the question was asked; ''Am I my brother's
keeper?'' That question has never yet been answered in a way that is
satisfactory to civilized society. "Yes, I am my brother's keeper. I am under a moral obligation to him that is inspired, not by any maudlin sentimentality but by the higher duty I owe myself. What would you think me if I were capable of seating myself at a table and gorging myself with food and saw about me the children of my fellow beings starving to death" – Eugene V. Debs, Humanitarian |
The Two Great Commandments of Jesus:
“‘Love the Lord
your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all
your mind.’
This is the first and
greatest commandment. And the second
is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the
Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
For the Path of Freedom, Choose LOVE
Walk with Jesus Now and Forever
Your Spiritual Armor
91 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. 3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. 4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. 5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; 6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. 7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. 8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. 9 Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; 10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. 11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. 12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. 13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet. 14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. 15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. 16 With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation. |
Reclaim Her True Destiny
Hold Love, Gratitude and Compassion in our Hearts and Ask
Source Energy, the Creator, to Support Us in These Evolutionary Times
No Fear Love God, Freedom & Liberty |