Another Way of Life and World
The Deep State is the SatanicTree of Death
This is all a
laughable event and just another one of those distractions.
In that whole
set up you will see symbolism aptly done as they always do:
ALL LAUGHABLE—except for casualties (“collateral” damage a
banker term mind you)
like those who jumped from the buildings
on 911.
Biblical Synagogue of Satan, Real Children
of the DEVIL,
Helena Glass - Gentile Life is Not Sacred
"It took a mere 300,000 Bolshevik Jews to take
down the entirety of Russia and its monarchy. How? They
preyed upon the weak, the moral, the pious, but the greatest
tactic of all was 'the speed'. The Bolsheviks took out Russia
in the same manner they are annihilating Palestinians. Humans
have no value." ...
The Jewish Mafia Became Murder, Inc. -
Became The CIA
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Secret Greeting to the Chosen People
The Jewish Plot to Destroy Christian
[and Muslim] Civilization
The Glee THEY Take in Signing off on the Weapons of Death and the Mocking of Christ and the Holy Land An explosive report about a
computer program that Israel uses to choose targets in
Gaza to bomb was just published this week, and the name
of this computer program that sends bombs into Gaza to
assassinate targets is reportedly called “The Gospel.”
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~With Their Drive, Policies, Agenda and Deceptions
The False Peace of the Beast System
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Notice Symbols that Include Transhumanism [Electronic Circuitry Board],
the COVID Injection Syringes, AI, Satellites, Space Shuttle, Dove of
Peace [The False Peace of the Anti-Christ NWO],
and the Planet Saturn!
Saturn Representing Their god, SATAN!
Also Notice as Carrying it All is the Head Chopping
Scimitar FOR the Gentiles!
The Debt-War-Taxes-Usury System
The ONLY DIVIDE There is:
Synagogue of Satan vs. Humanity
And the ONLY ENEMY both God and Humanity has is The
it says in the Bible—as
of Satan on Earth—DECEIVE,
Thieve, Murder,
Steal, Kill and Destroy
The Synagogue of Satan
Can Also be Known as the
Serpent Race
Who are
Our Rulers
The Serpent Race is
The Synagogue of Satan are Now Manifesting Themselves Clearly
through Their Words, Actions and Deeds in Palestine
(Past and Present)
The Synagogue of Satan is Now Gaining Ground
their Horrific Genocide in Palestine
where There are Dire Consequences if Our Human Race
“My name is Aaron Bushnell. I am an active duty member of the United States Air Force, and I will no longer be complicit in genocide. I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest, but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it is not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal." .... see here |
"... We will kill you without restraint and
one day you will all be
Palestinians"-- American Journalist, Chris Hedges speaks
"There is Nothing More American Than Speaking Out Against
What is Wrong. ... THIS NEEDS TO STOP ...."
Alan Shebaro, 3rd Special Forces Group, McKinney, Texas:
see Chris Hedges at beginning of video and special forces
Alan Shebaro at approx. 08:42
Max Igan Channel: "Your Government is Supporting Genocide"
A Trump Campaigner Says Trump is the Jewish
And with him, They are All Set to Kill All Us Gentiles
Check the Video Below the Article
The Chabad is Nothing but an Anti-God,
Self-Annointed, Self-Appointed, Self-Superior Murderous CULT
"We used to have meetings in which we had discussed the coming of the Jewish Messiah and the future world as envisioned by Chabad and the Jewish religion - a world where the Jews are the supreme masters of the Earth where every individual Jew has as many as 2,800 gentile slaves, a world, where the only purpose of non-Jews is to SERVE Jews. On the other hand, the Jews are considered as the 'Seat Of God' [Satan more like it]. Article here |
Their DARK AND EVIL Agenda from
Beginning in the Holy Land
Trump the Deceiver and the Great Pretender
will "Finish the Job" in Palestine and
America with us Gentiles
“All the world’s greatest religions, whether pagan or
monotheistic, have led to a civilizing process and to
progress. All of them except for Judaism. Judaism is not
Abrahamic. It comes from the lying pens of the Pharisees
and scribes. The Synagogue of Satan is against nations.
Judea was the nation referred to in Rev 2:9. a 'Judean
who is not Judean' is an intruder into the nation of
Judea. Sort of like today, how we have Americans who are
not with America, but are jews Unlike any other
religion, Judaism has been at war against Mankind since
it first emerged on the historical scene because, unlike
any other religion, Judaism defines itself as only in
opposition to ‘the other’, whether other people and/or
other systems of belief. It can not exist in a vacuum
without a nemesis ‘to utterly destroy’. Unlike any other
religion, Judaism does NOT require belief in God and
does not believe in Life after Death. It only requires
obedience to ‘the law’ as laid out within the pages of
both the Torah, and its exegesis, the Talmud, as well as
allegiance to the Tribe. Although there is no
immortality after death for the individual Jew however,
the manner by which this is reconciled is by making the
Jewish people itself immortal through tradition, the
law, and allegiance to other Jews. For the individual
Jew, this life is all there is. There is no Judgment
Day, no retribution for one’s evil deeds, etc. This is
perhaps the Jews’ greatest strength, because they are
free from the same moral constraints and guilt found
within Christianity and Islam which allows them to empty
an automatic rifle into the body of a Palestinian child
and still sleep like a baby.”
Labsub Synagogue of Satan Knows Its Formidable Enemy are Christians and Muslims UNITED--and THEY WORK HARD to Cause Wars and Separation between Christians and Muslims! (such as in modern times, 911, remember?) Hear this Rabbi speak about Christians and Muslims at approx. 28:50 |
on Earth |
The Abrahamic Faiths
have NEVER been Against
us, But FOR US
as We are the Children of God--a Spark of God--in this Dark,
Demonically Controlled Wicked World
The Light Came from God through Christ in the World
so that we May Develop our Moral Awareness and
and to Stretch our Awareness to the
Metaphysical (Beyond Physical) to Reach our Creator
for Correction and Victory for Planet Earth and Humanity
Both as God's
Sacred Creations
For the Human Race to Evolve, Survive and be FREE
We Must ALL Set Our Sites on the Synagogue of
Satan as it includes the
as Our
ONLY Common Enemy--
Humanity, to God and the Natural Earth
In the Continuity of the
Light through the Three Abrahamic Faiths:
Islam says, "You have
nothing of guidance until you also INCLUDE the Torah and THE
and also speaks of the Holy Virgin Mother Mary, Jesus, and His Second
and So We Must All Take Onto Us
Christ's Blood
to Protect, Survive and Evolve and to be Victorious
as Christ Over the Tree of Death Itself
In Order That WE MAY BE SET FREE to:
"Have Life, and Have it Abundantly
[on Earth]"
as Christ Gave His Life For
And that We Must Live and Die for
Christ is Our Tree of Life
For the Prolific
Earth is a [Sacred]
for His Way and Our Hearts